tyrant963: I gotta say i'm suprised to see quite a few of my favorite games are what other people realy didn't like (all thats missing is Alpha Protocol, but I'm sure that will come up)
Hah, yeah. Actually I thought of Alpha, but as I never had big expectations to begin with, it didn't come as a huge disappointment when I couldn't get into it and gave up..
Other than that I echo the sentiment. Boggles the mind how different tastes can be.
NWN1, I came from the usual direction. Baldurs Gates, Icewind Dale and 2. Still NWN1 was the best thing ever for me. Maybe it helped that I actually sidestepped and went through KotOR first, so the gameplay changes in NWN were, to me, a step back towards BG instead of a giant leap away!
Morrowind, I just can't see what the fans see here. :D
I tried it before NWN, and it was just bad all over. I was immediately repulsed by the flapflapflapflap combat and ugly graphics (compared to NWN which I later immediately took to liking, and any other current game). Struggled on for a while, maybe 10 hours into the game before giving up.
I tried Morrowind again years later. After first trying and loving fallout 3, then deciding it's worth testing Oblivion as well as the system didn't seem all horrible. Loved Oblivion as well. After all that decided maybe I had missed something with Morrowind, spent 2 hours installing the game, 30 minutes playing and then gave up again, probably for good.
But hey, opinions are like alien visitors, everybody's got one.