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when i got out of that tedious sewer i looked around and realised i can go anywhere and do everything
and anything i wanted

and before that spiderman 2 on the xbox with a open world representation of manhattan
and going i can do that ?
i can go there ?

and subesquently climbed up the empire state building and dove off it before swinging up just before hitting the ground

and finally zelda majora's mask
just because it was so unexpectedly dark and depressing and dared ot be so different

oh and garret lad im slipping !
Shadowstalker16: MGS is cruel to us PC gamers. I want it on GOG, sob. And I've never even played :D
Well you could hunt down a copy of it, though the pc version wasn't the best. OR you could go buy the PS1 which is not too badly priced and play it on your pc. There is always options.
Ultima 7 - a game that got me hooked up to roleplaying games (both on computers and Pen&Paper) and defined the RPG genre for me. Also one of the most magical worlds which I still return to now and again.
NOLF blew my mind with its humour and dialogue. A quality I didn't expect from a videogame, even less from a FPS.

Giants blew my mind with its multi-genre awesomeness and, again, with its really insane humour.

Elite blew my mind with its sennse of immensity and freedom. Later, Morrowind would blow my mind the same way, with the added environmental beauty.

Braid blew my mind with its ending.

Medieval Total War 2 blew my mind by its scape, quality, and the way it indirectly gives shapes and sense to medieval history.

Loom blew my mind with its magic system and its overall poetry.

I think that's it, for that specific emotion. There are other games that I adore, sometimes even more than those, but without having been through a specifically 'mindblowing' moment.

Also, because I am no taffer, Garret, I'm slipping.
Post edited July 06, 2014 by Telika
Back in the day, Dark Earth. Fantastic game.

not in
Can't really say which games changed my perception of video games as a whole. Some games had that "so that's how you do it" moments, such as mouse look in Terminator: Future Shock. That game didn't blow my mind, but the moment I played it I knew I didn't want to go back to another FPS control method.
For me it was probably Final Fantasy VII. It was the first game I played on the PlayStation 1 and the first I had seen with such a large world, complex story and lots of gameplay elements. Before then I had only really played arcade type games, point-and-click, or RTS games.

The Thief games look interesting, but I feel there are other people here who would enjoy them a lot more than I would so I'm not in, "Garrett, I'm slipping!". Thanks for the Giveaway and +1.
The #1 mind-blowing game for me was Grand Theft Auto III (2001): The open 3D world just left me slack-jawed in awe and amazement.

Honourable mention to Pool of Radiance (1988): I was awed by the sheer size of the world map, all the areas you could explore!

(Thanks for the giveaway MrStarker, "Garrett, I'm slipping!")
ddickinson: For me it was probably Final Fantasy VII. It was the first game I played on the PlayStation 1 and the first I had seen with such a large world, complex story and lots of gameplay elements. Before then I had only really played arcade type games, point-and-click, or RTS games.

The Thief games look interesting, but I feel there are other people here who would enjoy them a lot more than I would so I'm not in, "Garrett, I'm slipping!". Thanks for the Giveaway and +1.
I don't know whats up with this one. I remember my first time playing back in 98 and just under whelmed by it. Even then it was my first JRPG. It seemed very bland.
darthspudius: I don't know whats up with this one. I remember my first time playing back in 98 and just under whelmed by it. Even then it was my first JRPG. It seemed very bland.
I didn't mind the game, but to each their own, it wouldn't do for us all to have the same tastes. Incidentally, I agree with you about the first Command and Conquer game, just a shame how they ended up under E.A.'s influence. I actually played the first Command and Conquer a few months ago, I found a patch to allow a higher resolution and to remove those black lines from the videos.
Shadowstalker16: MGS is cruel to us PC gamers. I want it on GOG, sob. And I've never even played :D
darthspudius: Well you could hunt down a copy of it, though the pc version wasn't the best. OR you could go buy the PS1 which is not too badly priced and play it on your pc. There is always options.
But that price of console+difficulty in getting MGS1 all for playing (such an awesome game) a game that may have a possibility on coming back to PC is too much IMO. And my parents won't be too happy, lol.
A lot of games have blown my mind, but most recently it has to be Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

The game is just incredible and did some things that I've never seen in any game before. It was a super immersive atmosphere and just dripping with character. Great game that even holds up today and is a must-play experience.
I was amazed by the fluid and life-like motion in Flashback and Another World.

I was blown away by the scope of Empire Earth. Battling it out from Cave man to Space-age robots and everything in between was, at the time, a far reach beyond anything I'd ever seen or dreamed about.

Bioshock was the first FPS that I was amazed at -- graphics, sounds and, more importantly, the creepy feeling I got when a Big Daddy was around.

Last one (though there's more) is Neverwinter Nights' DM Client. That opened a whole multiverse of gaming for me. It could easily replace your life and you wouldn't know it until you were married with a child and your wife is telling you to put it away. :) (mostly true story :D)
darthspudius: I don't know whats up with this one. I remember my first time playing back in 98 and just under whelmed by it. Even then it was my first JRPG. It seemed very bland.
ddickinson: I didn't mind the game, but to each their own, it wouldn't do for us all to have the same tastes. Incidentally, I agree with you about the first Command and Conquer game, just a shame how they ended up under E.A.'s influence. I actually played the first Command and Conquer a few months ago, I found a patch to allow a higher resolution and to remove those black lines from the videos.
That sounds amazing! What patch was it?
darthspudius: Well you could hunt down a copy of it, though the pc version wasn't the best. OR you could go buy the PS1 which is not too badly priced and play it on your pc. There is always options.
Shadowstalker16: But that price of console+difficulty in getting MGS1 all for playing (such an awesome game) a game that may have a possibility on coming back to PC is too much IMO. And my parents won't be too happy, lol.
Well i don't know about there but PS1 consoles are dirt cheap but why not just buy the disc and play it on epsxe?
Post edited July 06, 2014 by darthspudius
Its really difficult to get in India.