immaxx: i don't care if they're high res- i just want them to look as good as when i played them out of the box.
Well... They do. Do you think GOG somehow magically changed the games to have lower resolution than they did originally? Of course not. You're simply viewing your memories through the pink glasses of nostalgia. Back then, they looked great because that's the level of graphics games had gotten to at that point. So you're remembering "state-of-the-art graphics", and therefore expecting to see "state-of-the-art graphics" when you start the game today.
One thing which may actually affect the visual impression is that back then, you most likely played the game on a CRT monitor, while today you probably have an LCD or LED monitor. Old games tend to look better on CRT monitors. Also, the monitor you have today is likely somewhat larger than the one you used back then, which naturally means that the individual pixels are physically larger.
I'm reminded of when I originally built my current PC. I built everything from scratch. The only thing I re-used from my old machine was the DVD drive. At the same time I switched from my old 19" 4:3 CRT monitor to a 22" 16:10 LCD monitor. One of the first things I tried on my new machine was to install Prey. I thought "Man, now I can crank up everything to the max. It's going to look fantastic". But it didn't look fantastic. It looked like crap. In the higher resolution, with the clearer picture on the LCD monitor, I could suddenly see all the sharp edges of the individual polygons in the models, which were blurred together on my old CRT monitor.