Duke Nukem Forever...
(very personal description)
The Duke is back after years! The muscular geek that cannot keep a girl for more than 7 hours and loves to speak about about old movies and weapons is going to kick the ass of another race that wants to use human ladies for breeding...
I was expecting a 3 second introduction like:
--Duke is watching "They Live" (of course THAT SCENE) and the power goes out--,
--Duke is caressing his bottle of Jack when someone shut down his ride (not again!)--,
--Duke is watching a dancer at the club (why I cannot keep a girl more than one night?), when an explosion scares her--(*).
And just after a large level with bunches of hungry aliens to fight... ALL OF THEM! Come get some!
Heck, Serious Sam suggested the world how to make an FPS since 10 years! And there is Duke! What can possibly go wrong!
Or possibly, they will make a slightly more serious older Duke?!? The possibilities are limitless!
Reality arrives... the game was instead incredibly bad... no really, if you did not play it you have to try it to believe. Il is like the "Star Wars Holiday Special" you have to see it to believe how bad it is.
The Duke character become a parody of himself (seldom bordering the psychopathy), super easy gameplay, no health, no armors, incredibly narrow and tunnel-like levels, and... at most two weapons at time... Sigh :(
We need to make a game where Duke, Doomguy, and Stone work together against the mother of all asskicking.
Sigh... I go watching "They Live" again... :|
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