anjohl: Taste is irrelevant. Quality is objective, and measurable. Taste referring to the social
construct of pretending to like things you really don't in order to fit into a hierarchical
community I can accept, but this is not the common usage.
jefequeso: If quality were easily objective and measurable, then opinions on things would be uniform
among people of similar intelligence and analytical abilities. This is not the case. I don't
necessarily disagree that there is such thing as objective truth, or that certain objective
qualities can be measured, but I don't think any one person is capable of doing so in a
completely objective fashion. With regards to videogames and art in general, it's
absolutely ridiculous to claim that you have an easy system for measuring how objectively
good something is. No such system exists, because as creatures with inherently subjective
outlooks on life we're incapable of definitively identifying objective truth.
Well wait a minute, if taste is subjective, why is it that noone is allowed to not worship Deus Ex, System Shock, or whatever other game the internet tells us is good?