lackoo1111: Played the demo of Batman AA,found it repetitive and boring.
That's interesting, because, for me, it was anything BUT repetitive and boring. I think the developers did a great job mixing gameplay "styles" throughout the game (exploration, combat, platforming, etc) in order to avoid "tiring" the player, and that's one of the reasons why it was pretty much my 2009 Game of the Year.
Then again, I played the full game. I'm not sure if the demo really represents the actual gameplay (as perhaps it should), but, as I said, the full game was (for me) neither repetitive nor boring.
Then again, I really liked the first Assassin's Creed (even if I didn't like the second quite as much, even admitting that it's a far better game), which is deemed by many as repetitive and boring. But I do feel Batman AA is worthy of pretty much all the praise it received.