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dirtyharry50: Grey is beautiful! Just ask my African Grey parrots! They'll tell you! :D
fortune_p_dawg: Are you enjoying Ultima IX? I know I am.

I have not gotten to it yet as I am hurriedly getting ready for the next big WoW expansion, leveling a Druid up. I am very much looking forward to it though. I bought it instantly when it appeared.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by dirtyharry50
Psyringe: I'm not sure if I understood correctly, but this sounds like you're claiming that Gamersgate persuaded a developer to use SecuRom DRM. If so, then I'd be very surprised - I've never heard of GamersGate encouraging DRM, and it's somewhat contrary to statements I heard from GG members. Could you elaborate?
Leroux: I don't know any details and I'm not quite sure what to think of it myself, but from the part of the developers it sounded not necessarily as if Gamersgate was persuading them, more like they didn't have any clue at all and that SecuRom was the default option, and they didn't know they could opt out of it. Or maybe they chose to this option themselves without knowing there were alternatives. In any case they didn't put the DRM in the game, Gamersgate did that for them.

EDIT: Here's the original quote from reply I got by e-mail:
Hmm yeah you're right about GamersGate, seems they have both DRM and DRM-free games. I guess we've just gone by default there. Perhaps we'll remove the DRM if we deliver an updated or patched version later on.
Sorry for the late reply. I asked GamersGate about this incident, and about their general stance towards DRM, and got a reply mere hours later. Unfortunately my keyboard broke and I didn't relay the info to here, which I'm doing now.

Generally, according to said GamersGate official, the process is like this:

1. GamersGate tries to encourage publishers to release games DRM free.

2. However, many publishers insist on using DRM, and ultimately it's always the publisher who's calling the shots, not GamersGate.

3. If a publisher wants a game to have DRM, but didn't add that DRM to the game by themselves so far (for whatever reason), then GamersGate is able to do that. It's not something that GamersGate encourages publishers to do, but rather a service that's there for those publishers who request it.

I didn't talk to the person who talked with the devs of the game you mentioned, but I think the info above is clear enough to conclude that there apparently had been a misunderstanding between these devs and GamersGate, as we already suspected.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by Psyringe
Psyringe: ~snip~
Good to know, thanks. Yeah, it was definitely a misunderstanding. I actually didn't mean to imply that Gamersgate forced the DRM on them, it just sounded as if they didn't mention the option of releasing their game DRM-free in this case. But it's cool that they try to convince developers to go the DRM-free way on principle (even if it's a bit absurd, seeing that most would consider their own client DRM, too - but then again, two types of DRM is worse than one, I guess).

Still, what my examples seem to suggest is that it's not always a good idea to let Gamersgate add DRM to initially DRM-free games, because it can cause lagging and compatibility issues. From what you write apparantly the developers are to blame for making this bad choice and not necessarily Gamersgate. But the result for players remains the same, therefor I've chosen to avoid games with SecuRom in the future.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by Leroux
Good news today. With todays 1c promos on gamersgate and gog I checked the 1c catalog and my open ticket about "Kings Bounty Crossworlds", which I bought on the first gamersgate summer sale week and since waited for a fix to the broken installer. It seems that 1c updated some installers on gamersgate, because at the time I bought the 1c bundle todays daily deal "Ascension of the Throne" had starforce drm, which is now gone. Also "You Are Empty" is now drm-free. And while my ticket about "Crossworlds" was not updated they also uploaded a much smaller and working installer. So, great work and thanks to gamersgate and 1c.

On the other site I still have the feeling they have trouble with the support system, not getting any updates about a problem for s month is really bad, especially when it's already fixed.
Post edited September 05, 2012 by DukeNukemForever
Leroux: From what you write apparantly the developers are to blame for making this bad choice and not necessarily Gamersgate.
I actually asked Aldorlea Games why Dreamscape had SecuROM on GG and not on their site, and the response I got was something similar to "We're not sure. It's an in-house version of SecuROM that they apparently put on a lot of games."

And...the actual post disappeared mysteriously with the Greenlight page.