Gilou: Hello there,
I am considering registering at gamersgate since some games are cheaper and occasional sales are interesting.
Excluding the internet connection required at the installation and steam, I am concerned about the other drm (tages, securom...) and the overall quality of the installer.
To those who have had purchased games at GG, have the other drm bothered you in some ways? Have you had any problems with the files downloaded from GG? Or any other issues?
I like GamersGate a lot and have built up a pretty large library with them but would be lying to say that you never have to roll with some punches.
A couple of my Gate games work but the publishers never removed DRM when formatted to digital download so I had search for noCD Fixes and cracks to get them running.
Sometimes Gate will also let Troll uploads slip.
As well, some titles on Gate have limited activations so you have to be prepared to beg the publisher for a permanent unlock key once all of your installs have been used up.
But the goods still out weigh the bads.
The goods being that Gate hosts some pretty rare titles and they're constantly having massive sales.
The Blue Coin incentive has won me quite a few games as well.
Oh yeah, and although a bit slow to reply, their tech support is the only tech support I've used, with an online seller, that didn't feel like Cleverbot trying to push me off onto the publisher whenever I've had a problem with a game.