grviper: But Mordor is quite old (older than Demise) and GG stuffed it in the top tier with the WIP against the developer's wishes, or so I heard.
I know, I was the one who asked Decklin about it and spread his answer around :-p
This was his answer when I asked wether of not Mordor 1.1, The Grin had anything to do with his game (I intially tought it was one game):
It is actually 2 games. We offered Mordr v1.1 and suggested a low threshold 'cos its an old game but Gamersgate decided to put it with The Grim which is a different new game in development from one of the other devs in the bundle.
This is what he answered when I asked what The Grim was and if the inclusion of Mordor in the bundle ment that it was going to be available at GG (beside as Bundle bonus):
The Grim will be a Castlevania Puzzle Hybrid and should be available this summer ...
If the Mordor install works ok it will be on GG