Postal to a degree, via my own interpretation, even though he's antisocial his acts cannot be justified, he had a choice, and he chose to do harm and blame everyone else for his own shortcomings. So he's a despicable character, but he's also not mentally well either, so you can't just say he's evil so much as a loose cannon with sadistic tendencies.
E: He's also the most realistic, and scariest character, via the first game, as he could of been any one of us at one point, but instead of channeling his chaos into something creative and non-harmful, he decided to unleash it onto the world instead through the brute force solution. His demon got the best of him during a dark time.
What JKHSawyer said about Postal 2. When I play I am always an evil prick and I relish in causing havoc in others' lives, I also make it my goal to murder as many people as possible per area until the spawns are reduced to just the odd cop or two.
Manhunt's Cash is a shitty person for sure, he doesn't seem to care about others (telling the Reporter to have a nice life) except maybe his family, despite they weren't close, he wouldn't want them to get involved in his BS. Similar to Postal you're in an unholy alliance with him, except in Manhunt it's against even worst people, so you don't have a choice but to do whatever you can to survive.
Kingpin's unnamed Thug, he's a scummy person dealing with scummy people in a scummy world, there's no one to like here, pure vitriol, I like it when it's grimdark like that in a game. Hopeless.
Blood's Caleb is my favorite anti-hero and the first one I played in any game growing up (besides Max Damage in Carmageddon but Caleb had more personality) as he's a bad guy through and through but his enemies are the really evil ones, so it's bad vs. evil, my favorite type of stories. Blood II has a stronger emphasis on this with remarks from other characters such as Ophelia's line "We are bad, you are the other, there is no good."
Post edited June 21, 2014 by Cyanosis