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-I'm totally willing to download and play console/arcade games on PC
-I like the Dead Space series even though I don't think they're good games
-I used to buy way too many games on Steam because of their sales, games that I didn't even really have an interest in playing, but thankfully I've cut that out
-I kind of want Wii Sports Resort
-I wouldn't call the PC version of GTA IV a bad port
-I only buy PC games through Steam and GOG, and will even pirate games that aren't available through either of these (this is pretty awful), however, I did buy Minecraft. I also bought some Stardock games through Impulse... and I bought StarCraft 2... Anyway, the day this changes is the day a site like GOG exists for all games (DRM free, and with nice installers)
-I really enjoy Mario Party 2
-I think people that say GoldenEye hasn't aged well are just saying words because they heard them somewhere else, and I also disagree with the statement
-I like Sonic Adventure 1/2 and the Sonic bits of Unleashed
-I've played more Geometry Wars 2 than many of my other Xbox games combined (wish it had a PC version)


EDIT: Added more.
Post edited February 17, 2011 by PhoenixWright
Oblivion is one of my top five games of all time, and I've never finished the main quest.
I cheat at pretty much everything. Nothing online as I never really play online but SP. Give me an editor, trainer or console commands and I am happier than a pig in shit. In fact if a game is uncheatable then I usually think twice about buying it. Not saying im incapable of finishing games without them, clearly I am and have done but I do like to give myself an advantage and if it wasn't for that it's doubtful I would ever finish any games.
Post edited February 17, 2011 by Delixe
Runehamster: Oblivion is one of my top five games of all time, and I've never finished the main quest.
*meekly raises hand*

Me, too.
My parents threw away the box and manuals to my copy of Planescape: Torment, then I later gave away the near-perfect discs because I thought I'd never play it again after playing it for like 20 minutes and giving up (I wasn't too familiar with RPGs at the time).

I also threw away a few games like Road Rash, Theme Hospital, Theme Park, the original X-Com (UFO: Enemy Unknown) on floppy, Star Trek: Judgement Rites on floppy, Age of Empires 1, SimCity 2000, Carmageddon, a whole Interplay collection, and a tonne of other classics during a move because I thought I'd never play them again, so why bother.

I learned Magic through the video game (Microprose version, which surprisingly I did not toss away), which led to hundreds of dollars down the drain while I was in high school.
kalirion: I pirated tons of games, back in the day.
I pirated pretty much almost every game that was posted on Warez-BB. Somewhere around 2006 I stopped...

Why keep downloading when I can't even finish the games I already have. Since then, I have barely downloaded anything without paying for it (unless its free, or I am testing it, like with Torchlight for example (I did buy the game from GG few days later)).
In the online coop FPS 'Killing Floor', I find losing games much more exciting than winning ones. If we are doing too well, I ... uh ... well ;)
I also liked Wizardry 8 the best. On top of that I enjoyed Fallen Lords: Condemnation (apparently its not very fun since I got taunted in another topic for saying I've been looking for it and cannot find it) and both Kane & Lynch games. Oh, and I prefer the two Sonic Adventure games to any other Sonic game.

I enjoy both Dead Space games more than Minecraft. I despised Fallout 1 but liked 2. I think Starcraft 2 is better than the original and Sacred Gold is superior to Diablo 2 (except for D2 with the Median XL mod, oh boy...) I hate almost all multiplayer games, but love Blacklight: Tango Down and Quake 3.

I set aside 40 dollars a month for buying horrible games cheap. Only one of these have I not liked (Alone in the Dark 2008 for PC. I'm sure its better on consoles, PC has just WAY too many buttons, even for a PC game in general.) I like obscure european/middle eastern titles the best of all games. (Also, Kabus 22 is my favorite horror game of all time.)
Post edited February 17, 2011 by GhostQlyph
- Metal Gear being my favourite franchise, i still didnt play through "Metal Gear" 1+2 (dont misread that as "Metal Gear Solid", i am talking the MSX Games from which i own the Ports that are included in "MGS3 - Subsistance") or "Peace Walker" ... i figure its common to have many unplayed games, but since that franchise is so special to me i consider it a personal sin
- i think "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball" is a nice game, i think of it as the best (and maybe only) holiday-simulation
I enjoy Diakatana.
I really, really liked Too Human. I'm not quite sure still why people hated it so much (though I recall getting destroyed during the demo).

I used to beat the old SSI Gold Box games by duping Wand of Fireballs and Dart of the Hornet's Nest for my whole party. I was able to cheese through all the games this way.
- I loved KotOR 2, and thought that it was a great addition to the series (except for the ending, I get why people hate that.
- I thought that Fallout 3 was just as good as 1 & 2.
- My most played game through childhood in C&C: Red Alert 95ed... and I'm 16.
- When I buy family members games as gifts, it may occasionally be because I want them, and kind of assume that they want them too.
- I considered playing through Avatar: TLA on Xbox for achievements (but didn't, so this doesn't really count).
- I think that the Sims is a fantastic game... No, really, I do.
- I think that Steam is a fantastic platform for community and games, and try to add as many non-Steam games to it as possible to keep in touch with other people while playing.
- I support non-intrusive DRM as a security format in games (seriously, guys, we've all pirated a couple of games, but I know people who will dl 40 games for shits and giggles. That ain't right)
- In contrast to the above statement, I will crack a game to let me play it on my LAN network if I really have to (I bought the game, I WILL INSTALL IT ON MY COMPUTERS AND PLAY IT WITH MY FRIENDS :P)
- I liked SW: Ep 1 (jk)
- I love RPGs, but I will make a new character about 40 times before settling down and actually playing it.
- I have 3 Free 2 Play MMO's on my computer that I haven't touched... ever. Another case of making a new character then quitting.
- When I f*ck up on a game's speech challenges (e.g. Fallout), I then kill literally everything I can and then reload my last save... No matter how far back that takes me. I will go between villages and look up walkthroughs just to find every last person in the game and teach them why THEY SHOULD HAVE BELIEVED ME!!!! (Mainly I die within 20 seconds, though. Character-Creatorphelia strikes again. :P)
- I played D&D just to make up awesome back stories for characters.

and (finally)

- My brother once convinced me to swap him Pokemon Yellow for Pokemon Red. I still believe I made the right choice!
Post edited February 17, 2011 by Typhoon45
I tried to copy Nox from an original CD in order to give the copy to a friend, so we could play together. I had a cd player and a cd burner, but alas, i managed to get them mixed up and when the cd burner asked for a new cd to copy the files to, I put the new cd on the cd player, leaving the original Nox disk on the cd burner. My original copy got damaged this way and I'm waiting for GOG to maybe someday get that title on it's catalogue.
I owned Beneath a Steel Sky, boxed version, for the Amiga. I have no idea where it went.
I also owned Super Metroid for the SNES, I actually cut holes into the box for fun as a kid. This troubles me to this day.
Post edited February 18, 2011 by skrot
I have to admit that Angry Birds is my favorite video game.