IAmSinistar: How do folks find updates of their game collection on other sites? Specifically GG and Desura. ShinyLoot has actually send me notifications when new versions are available, so at least someone is paying attention to GOG.
Much to my own surprise, I've recently come to like Steam's auto-update feature. I used to hate it because it causes trouble with mods and savegame compatibility. However, with a collection of several hundred games, I find that:
- I don't spend as much time with mods as I used to. Mods were (among other things) always a great way to get more enjoyment out of a game that I already played a lot. With hundreds of unplayed games in my collection, I now tend to pick up one of those instead of applying mods to games I already played.
- With hundreds of games installed, keeping them up to date manually is simply not manageable. Not even with proper notifications. At some point, having the process automated becomes awfully convenient.
- In case I don't want automatic updates for a given game, I can turn them off for that game.
The system still isn't perfect, but Ive come to appreciate it.
Regarding other platforms:
- GOG has much improved in this regard in the past two years. We now get notifications, and the installer version is visible on the download page. Some problems remain, though: Sometimes an installer gets updated without a change in the version number, and often the notification does not get set (apparently this nbeeds to be done manually on each occasion).
- Desura leaves you in the rain unless you use the client, which I mostly don't.
- GamersGate doesn't offer a great service in this regard either (hate to say it since I'm in an active role over there, but there's no point in denying objective facts). A part of the problem is unavoidable - due to the huge catalog, they cannot monitor the games for updates, they have to rely on the publishers for sending them to GG. With 300 games in the catalog, it may be possible to have someone from the staff check periodically which games may have received a patch elsewhere - with 6200 games, it's impossible to do such checks and remain cost-effective. The other part of the problem, however, is home-made by GG: There is no notification in place, and versions often aren't clearly denoted. Sometimes customers have to download a gigabyte of data just to check whether the main installer may have been updated. This is very clunky and will hopefully be improved upon.
- Indiegamestand sends out notifications, but their mails always only reach me as gibberish, and I have to guess from the links what the mail wanted to tell me.
- Bundle sites generally don't seem to care much about updates. Some do update their files (Humble adds an upload date to the installer, so that you can make an educated guess whether it's a newer one than the one you already got), others don't, and some simply don't have to since they are only selling Steam keys anyway.
In general, I think that the handling of updates leaves much room for improvement almost anywhere. GOG seems to have realized that a bit earlier than others.