Kunovski: I'm probably not in (as my "photography" contains HUD, I didn't find a way to disable that) but I just wanted to post it anyway, as it's beautiful I think... not sure it fits any category as well, possibly urban :)
Rifle and interface are of cause a bit non-suiting in the scene, but hell, what for a nice athmosphere.
It´s a sad thing that the general design has always been best part of Bioshock and the team never put the same efford in gameplay map design (although the games show you an interesting worl you are just running through small corridors) or even simple logic. (In Infinite the powers are always advertised but nobody seems to use them...)
Oh, and I´ve lost all hope that muratogut will ever come back, so it´s not such a big problem that you don´t met the requirements! :(