Thanks for the link! I usually check
How Long to Beat, but it contains only half of the games I'm interested in at best, so it's good to have an alternative. :)
Since I play so many different games and don't like to abandon them unless they're really bad, I get discouraged by games with very long gameplay, so I'm always curious to know how long it takes to play through a game, before I start playing it. Especially with RPGs and adventures, because they require you to stick with them for a longer time - you usually can't play them just casually whenever you get into the mood, as there's always the risk of losing the thread and forgetting important things, when you take long breaks. If a game is really good I don't mind it to be longer, but in my experience few games are rich enough in variety and entertainment to justify 40+ hours gameplay, and most are artificially prolonged by tedious mechanics and filler content.
But even with the best games, it's nice to check the gamelength and be reassured that there's still lots of fun time before the end. :)
EDIT: I think my preferences are quite similar to those of El_Caz; I don't like replaying games either. And I rather share my time and attention between several different and shorter games (and other media) than get the most of one single and extremely long game.