I think the comment someone made up above about how games aren't necessarily getting easier, it's just that a lot of us have just gotten -better- at playing games has a lot of weight to it. For the most part, we're older, we're wiser, and as such, we've picked up on a lot of the tricks of the trade that game designers have used in the past to pull one over on us. So that helps ramp down the difficulty artificially, requiring them, often, to just pull out some arbitrarily tough enemies or something in order to approach some semblance of fairness.
As for where on the difficulty curve I like my games, well, I prefer my "normal" mode to be just that: normal. By which I mean that I expect not to have any easy ride, but I also expect that I won't encounter situations where I'll be constantly frustrated at every turn and get so annoyed it'll make me want to just shut the damn thing off, eject the CD, and fling it at a wall.
And what bothers me are the extremely vocal bunch of people who say things like "RAWR! I played this through on nightmare difficulty, and it STILL wasn't hard enough!" Because that attitude just does not compute with me. I don't play games as an exercise in self-mutilation, it's supposed to be a relaxing hobby. Getting aggravated because I've been killed twenty times in a row is not conducive to me relaxing.
I was playing Dragon Age on normal, and while I could manage some of the fights, it got to the point where I felt I had to really -work- for each and every battle, even the most minute of skirmishes. I was constantly bereft of healing supplies, my people were constantly injured. And I am no fool. I may not be a strategic genius, but I understand the notions of how to control a battlefield, and yet even on normal mode I simply could -not- make progress without putting in a supreme amount of effort.
This to me does not sound like a "normal" difficulty level. So I turned it down to easy... which, with the latest patch, actually is easy. And I find that I"m not exactly happy with that, either. I'm not looking for a free ride, here. But I'm playing this game because i want to experience the storyline. I want to see what the various NPCs in my party have to say. I want to view their interactions and such, even if it means that the group I end up taking into the field isn't always the most "efficient."
Seeing as how it's a roleplaying game first and foremost and not a strategy game first and foremost, I think that sacrificing tactical concerns for the sake of story/character issues should be a fairly viable option. It does not seem to be. You cannot play on a regular difficulty mode and have a party consisting only of front-line warriors, simply because you like the concept. Because you will get torn to bits. This sort of thing irritates me.
And it irritates me more that saying as much on, say, the BioWare boards will only bring hordes of fools going "UR DOING IT WRONG, NOOB." posts from people who think that playing games on extreme difficulty is the be-all and end-all of gaming.
Anyway, that's my rant on the subject.