If you ask me why i buy consoles (and considering that i also play on pc):
- First of all, my laptop can't run most of the recent games (and i want to play Shogun 2 but those 3~5m loading...) and i use a laptop because it's... portable. :) (in a serious note, i take my laptop with me when i stay away from home for a few days).
- I know that when i put that game on the console it will run normally (not considering bugs and patches), i don't need to configure the shadows, the bloom, the textures, etc. And it's also a "mental" thing, i could get a better pc and run games better than, let's say, ps4, but i know i will hate that feeling of having to play a game on High and not ultra while on the console i'll know that i'm having the same experience that all other console users.
- While it's shitty that i have to pay to play online and there are companies doing the same on consoles (FU EA) i HATE playing online on the pc because of the servers controlled by players/clans, it's mostly dumb rules and admins abusing the power because they don't agree with what you're doing.
Besides, on the consoles you can just put the game, select multiplayer and just play normally (again, considering there isn't any problem with the game), on the pc there are games where you have to run a side client to make the server (Terraria or Project Zomboid), open ports, configure the server, etc.
Not that it's always a bad thing since it also gives you control over the server and it allows you to play old games with the servers closed through virtual lans.
But i think PS4 will be my last console, since the PC is moving towards to a hybrid i can imagine buying a pc, connecting to a hdtv, using the controller (for some games) and using that Steam Big Picture mode...
TanguyLOZ: If game consoles disappear, be prepared for more COD,AC, and to say bye bye indie games.
Also, I play mostly local with my friends and brothers (what year is this ?).
Also Nintendo is Quasimodo, Sony is Gringoire and Microsoft is Frollo :)
That makes no sense... COD's and AC's sell more on consoles, they wouldn't make more games like that if the consoles were to disappear and i'm willing to bet that are some indie games that sell better on PC than consoles.