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Fruit_Brute: Dom3 is worth every penny. Heck, the rulebook alone is worth it.
You mean its Games Workshop rulebook quality? ;)
overread: *sits back and waits for mentions of that Xbox mech warrior type game with a full console*
AlKim: Steel Battalion? On release, in Finland at least, it cost a whole euro more than the XBox.
Yeah, that was some controller...
hedwards: It might not, Blizzard hasn't dropped its prices in years.
Not usually but today on their Blizzard store web site they have Starcraft 2 for 29.99
I am still stunned that "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" is still going for close to launch price here in Australia. That is what I call overpriced!
hedwards: It might not, Blizzard hasn't dropped its prices in years.
kavazovangel: SC2 is $30 right now on their online store. WoW was $5 last year (together with TBC), and WotLK was around $10 the same time.

There is no need to drop prices when your products are selling well.
Right or wrong the point is that some games never do come down in price or do so only minimally.

I'm personally more concerned with the damage they've done to the SC franchise with that abortion that is SC2. Would have been more honest of them to just release it as an expansion pack to SC than to try and pretend like they had a new game there.
Ubivis: $30?

BLizzard more worse than steam... it shows up for 59.99€ (which is 80$)
Buy it from the US store then call them and ask them to change the region to EU.
saramakos: I am still stunned that "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" is still going for close to launch price here in Australia. That is what I call overpriced!
Yeah though there is at least some excuse in that it got such a tiny product release; in the UK we hardly got any stock at all of it which mean it was sold out everywhere and the price was well inflated .
hedwards: I'm personally more concerned with the damage they've done to the SC franchise with that abortion that is SC2. Would have been more honest of them to just release it as an expansion pack to SC than to try and pretend like they had a new game there.
How can it be damaged if they didn't change things that much in your opinion ;)
In my view its good to see a game take a working formula and simply refine upon what is there already, instead of trying to re-write a totally new formula to be "New" in the market.

Asides which when developers do try this with existing game franchises people hate it - loads of people complained about Dawn of War 2 and Supreme Commander II because they changed the formula.
In the end I think if they want to change the composition of the core game itself its best to do it with new IP
Post edited November 24, 2011 by overread
hedwards: I'm personally more concerned with the damage they've done to the SC franchise with that abortion that is SC2.
Have you even played the game?
Lol, gee - that's one helluva "Sale." XD
Pretty good game, I bought it around the start of this year. Unfortunately though I bought the downloadable Linux version because that's what I was using then; and I've switched to Windows since.
hedwards: I'm personally more concerned with the damage they've done to the SC franchise with that abortion that is SC2.
kavazovangel: Have you even played the game?
Yes and quite frankly I'm being generous in my assessment. There was nothing particularly interesting or that otherwise justified them taking that long to get a release out.

The game itself was bad enough that it actually makes me wonder why I enjoyed the original.
hedwards: I'm personally more concerned with the damage they've done to the SC franchise with that abortion that is SC2. Would have been more honest of them to just release it as an expansion pack to SC than to try and pretend like they had a new game there.
overread: How can it be damaged if they didn't change things that much in your opinion ;)
In my view its good to see a game take a working formula and simply refine upon what is there already, instead of trying to re-write a totally new formula to be "New" in the market.

Asides which when developers do try this with existing game franchises people hate it - loads of people complained about Dawn of War 2 and Supreme Commander II because they changed the formula.
In the end I think if they want to change the composition of the core game itself its best to do it with new IP
No, it's consistent, the main thing they changed was the balance. The single player campaign was extremely ho hum, I can't recall the last time I've ever been so unengaged by a Blizzard campaign. In fact it was so dumb, as I just mentioned that I'm having to load up SC to remember why I liked it in the first place.

By their own accounts they were concerned far more by making it an esport appropriate game and getting money from it than creating a compelling product for the other players.

And don't forget about them taking away the LAN play completely. One of the joys of SC was being able to have LAN parties without having to call in to a random server located elsewhere.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by hedwards
I see that Amazon has it on sale for $20 ATM but Larian is still insisting that the Dragon Knight Saga is worth $39.99, and Risen is still $30.

heh, I had to shake my head and laugh about Risen when Piranha Bytes made a big stink over how well their game sold on steam .... but steam was the only place that they put it up for sale longer than one day and actually *gasp* advertised that it was on sale! (the second game honestly looks kinda shitty to me so it's no big loss that it's steamworks.)

hopefully Larian isn't as stupid / stingy with Dragon Commander, but even if they are that game isn't going to be a super patched + DLC version of a game that was originally released in 2009.
saramakos: I am still stunned that "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" is still going for close to launch price here in Australia. That is what I call overpriced!
overread: Yeah though there is at least some excuse in that it got such a tiny product release; in the UK we hardly got any stock at all of it which mean it was sold out everywhere and the price was well inflated .
I thought it was only the Gamecube version that was rare.

EDIT: Of course, the Gamecube version was arguably the better one. Controls that the game was actually designed for and a non-mirrored game FTW.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by SirPrimalform
overread: Yeah though there is at least some excuse in that it got such a tiny product release; in the UK we hardly got any stock at all of it which mean it was sold out everywhere and the price was well inflated .
SirPrimalform: I thought it was only the Gamecube version that was rare.

EDIT: Of course, the Gamecube version was arguably the better one. Controls that the game was actually designed for and a non-mirrored game FTW.
Ahh I was referring to the gamecube version yes - though its not surprising that Nintendo released it again. If there is one company that wouldn't have much need of GoG its them for their game releases - at least on major titles ;)
saramakos: I am still stunned that "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" is still going for close to launch price here in Australia. That is what I call overpriced!
I'd bet that's because the people who bought it tend to cling onto it. There are relatively few of them going around and quite a few people who want one, so the price for even second-hand copies is pretty steep. It's the same thing with Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. If you can find either of those for a penny, you're very lucky indeed. And you're going to make a nice profit should you choose to do so.

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is a somewhat similar story, although its second-hand value is nowhere near that of Twin Snakes or Twilight Princess. I recently found a copy for €12.50, with a manual and in excellent condition. It's probably worth two or three times what I paid for it.