nagytow: I was lucky enough to find your post right after you wrote it and as soon as I saw it I thought 'that crazy guy is giving something away again!' ;) But there's more and more posts every day and it's harder to locate it.
I thought that such a thread would attract a lot of readers, but that few would read what others actually wrote and it seems that I was right in general (though you and knee proved me wrong ;)). I'll have to confess that the 'tricky part' was intended to be spotting the posting though, as you'll have to agree that once spotted, figuring out the code is rather easy.
Would you like to provide a hint for the others that leaves them with a challenge, but gets them on the right trail?
QC: he turned a code into a normal sounding conversation
Indeed, that would get you a good step closer to obtaining the Patrician three!
Free hint number four:
The thread is now issued as '2 days ago' and on the general discussion forum of GOG. Having a hard time with special days of the week might help you on spotting it.