csmith: So, is anyone going to tell me how this worked? I'm the only kid that isn't in on the joke. :)
Very sorry ! "csmith" , but the "joke" is not giving away the "secrets" , that would spoil it next time one tried........
If "JMich" will "show more mercy" is up to "JMich" .......
But next time I do something like this (following the "troll gifting" by "JMich" et al) then I am going to be a lot "worse" - a little more "inventive" like "JMich".....
People seems to think it is fun and even though I tried to make it just slightly difficult then it were found out in just 10 or 20 minutes , so next time (if) then it got to be "a lot worse"......
I got so annoyed by the difficulty of what "JMich" were doing so I did my own thing perhaps you feel the same way......
Sorry , you seems as a perfectly nice person but I won't spoil "the fun" going on in this thread....