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high rated

Congratulations, Exoanthrope.

Since nobody wanted to hold the third round, I'll do it again.
Maybe I'll contribute something anyway.

- rep of at least +30
- join date before May 2014
- submit a piece of art in any form: tune, painting, drawing, game, mod, carving, writing, whatever
-> made in November 2014 by yourself (means between first and last of November)
- hand made stuff may be preferred but other entries are welcome too
- at least 3 serious participants
- amateurs are welcome too

I don't claim any rights to the entries, just want to see that people are creating and not only consuming stuff.

Finish line: First of December 2014

Price: Choose a game.
With at least 6 participants, a second prize will be given, with 8 there'll be a third prize.

List of games to choose from this time:

Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Magrunner: Dark Pulse

Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
Bridge Constructor
Ravensword: Shadowlands
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Depth Hunter
The Ship
Journey of a Roach
Little Inferno
PixelJunk Shooter
Earth 2140
Enclave Gold Edition
Jack Orlando
SteamWorld Dig
Shadow Man



Current entries:


Former rounds:
Post edited December 02, 2014 by Klumpen0815

I hope to participate! I just need to get to feeling a little better so that I can get the creative juices flowing :D
>.> I dislike not being able to upload but this is the latest part of my book.

I wish to be in for Ravensword: Shadowlands

The Brigadiers Wives

In all of the Brigade, there is no higher loyal then from a Brigadier to their wife, a special bond forming there. Whether they are complete opposites, such as the Titan Havoc and his Nymph Bride, Yukimaru. Or as similar as Saulot Tremeris and his mate, Ikaril. There is no differences, and there is no getting between the couples, for the males are thoroughly dedicated to their other halves. It is in this, that the true light of the Brigade comes, loyalty to love, to the heart, the power that resides there being among the highest. Each member of the Brigade was asked the same question, to describe their wives, by Vance upon his receiving the Mantle of Lord.

The first to answer was Havoc, with a stern, "Who are you to be demanding?" But soon, his eyes would soften, "Yukimaru is one of the greatest treasures I could find. I could hope for no more then that energetic woman, though she needs to lay off the biting." The Titan would rumble to his human friend, shaking his head. "But she is everything I be needing in this world, or any other, Little Paladin."

The Next answer came from Vance`s best friend, and rather easily. "She is what completes me, my brother. The darkness that feeds my own, the shadow that aids me, and the beat in my heart that keeps me moving forward." The Necromancer`s head was hooded, even in the darkest part of the citadel, his light sensitive eyes hidden from view.

Third, came Saulot, the Vampire Elder of Tremere, who looked rather wistful, "A Charming being, and do you say...possessive. Though, I mind it not. She keeps me unbothered when I wish it, unless she is the one demanding my time." The Vampire`s head rocked back, laughing softly, "Though, she is also an apt companion, able to talk me down from idiocy."

From the shadows near Saulot, a vampire spoke up, his form cloaked head to toe in shadow leather, a cloak around his shoulders, the ancient accent thick in his tongue, "Inari is a shining beacon to me. Gives me back a bit of my humanity, of the softer side that Haqim did not take from me." The Assassin whispered, drawing back into the shadows, giving way to an elf.

The High Elf, dressed in his lovely green robes that marked him a Druid, smiled, "Willow is the other half to my soul, as Mielikki meant it to be. Though she can also be more adventurous then me, she helps me to see this is not a bad thing." The Elf whispered in the common tongue, his green eyes sharp as he stared at Vance.

Twas the Reaver, arriving late as usual, that said the strangest thing of all..."She is her." The Male looked dumbfounded at the question, shaking his head and attributing it to strangeness in humans as he walked off to find his Ama.

So it was, as Vance sat and contemplated over this, that he came to the one and ultimate truth.

There was no force more dangerous than a wife of the Brigade. If you insult them, you insulted all the males of the Brigade itself.
Post edited November 11, 2014 by Landeril
These threads need more attention.

Here's something I just submitted to the Draw and Guess the Game thread: Nothing but pencil; spinning for emphasis.

I would like to be in for Little Inferno, it looks like something I could play with my kid. :3
Not in, because I have the games I want + I made this a few months ago, but I still want to post a Frozen marzipan figure I made, just to keep this thread alive :)
This is my 1st marzipan figure btw :)
(fun fact: I couldn't find the original picture, so I had to "steal" it from my own FB acc >_>)
elsa.jpg (91 Kb)
Post edited November 13, 2014 by MadyNora
Thanks Klumpen for this giveaway, I like the creative aspect so I think I'll participate and post something later on this month.
MadyNora: Not in, because I have the games I want + I made this a few months ago, but I still want to post a Frozen marzipan figure I made, just to keep this thread alive :)
This is my 1st marzipan figure btw :)
(fun fact: I couldn't find the original picture, so I had to "steal" it from my own FB acc >_>)
This is just awesome, and marzipan is the best thing in the world next to chocolate. The only way to top this would be to animate this, which would be... marzipanimation!

EDIT: Decided to be not in as I already got the game I was going to enter for in the big fall sale
Post edited November 24, 2014 by awalterj
I sometimes volunteer to help with my son's class at school, and when I do, I try to come up with a simple project that will allow the four-year-olds to generate something aesthetic. I am typically slapping something together at 4am the night before. For Wednesday's class, I made a little card mount for two mirrors held 60 degrees apart. I gave the kids some dark-colored paper and white pencils. They drew one arm of a snowflake and the mirrors (like a kaleidoscope*) made that one into six. The lil'uns were enchanted, which always makes me feel my time was well spent.

Also, I'll get to reuse it in the springtime for producing flowers instead of flakes.

*My sister-in-law's dad was at dinner tonight, and he told me the Chinese word for kaleidoscope was "ten-thousand tiny flowers" (or something similar). I don't remember the actual Chinese term he spoke. But it struck me as a nifty name.

Not in, but thanks again for the thread, Klumpen!
Post edited November 28, 2014 by grimwerk
The mirror stand is very neat and a nice idea.

Since this series of threads is more like a monthly art gallery than a giveaway competition anyway, I'll just gonna post something myself.

I made these recordings with my cheap mp3 player at this months Folk(dance) jam session.
The percussion in the first one and the Hurdy-Gurdy in the second one is me.
The drum I'm playing is also built by me.

If it doesn't load, hit F5.

I'll have to add, that my HG isn't the best one and that I have a severe case of stage-fright (including sweat and palpitations) whenever I play some moments alone, that's why I usually am too fast and make some additional mistakes in those moments.
Post edited November 28, 2014 by Klumpen0815
Hmm, it doesn't seem to inspire anyone, maybe I continue with this series as GoGs monthly "fresh art" gallery, let's see.
Klumpen0815: I'll have to add, that my HG isn't the best one and that I have a severe case of stage-fright (including sweat and palpitations) whenever I play some moments alone, that's why I usually am too fast and make some additional mistakes in those moments.
I think it's pretty cool that you do all that medieval stuff, the swordplay & music and all!

It's normal to have stage fright, I think it means that you want to do a good job because if you weren't nervous at all, maybe you wouldn't care enough to perform at your very best. But too much nervousness impacts performance in a negative way, that is true.
When I was in 4th or 5th grade of elementary school, I had to participate in the school concert because my guitar teacher expected it. I remember being a bit nervous in front of all those people I didn't know but I took my time to set up my music stand and foot rest and that calmed me down. Everyone started to laugh because I took all the time in the world and that calmed me down further, as it was not an evil laughter but a good kind of laughter.
In later years as a teenager I was more nervous and sometimes I was worried someone might hear my heart beating loudly but I always calmed myself down by observing how the other kids were even more nervous than me, especially my classmate who also played guitar and her head turned into some kind of red strawberry and looked like it was about to explode, that's how nervous she was. I kept my "set up everything suuuper slowly" method and that worked well for me. Over time, that became my signature thing. I don't let anyone rush me and that's that :)

Klumpen0815: Hmm, it doesn't seem to inspire anyone, maybe I continue with this series as GoGs monthly "fresh art" gallery, let's see.
Sorry for the lack of participation here (including myself) despite the many offerings, I should have posted something even if I'm not in but I didn't know what. Also, it's normal that the participation rate is always -drastically- lower whenever even the slightest task is involved in a giveaway. But it's a 100times better than making random winner via "I'm in - Not in but thanks" giveaways, those are rather boring even if the prizes are great.

PS: Idea of separate dedicated art thread (without giveaway) is cool, I'd be happy to contribute something
Post edited November 30, 2014 by awalterj
Klumpen0815: I'll have to add, that my HG isn't the best one and that I have a severe case of stage-fright (including sweat and palpitations) whenever I play some moments alone, that's why I usually am too fast and make some additional mistakes in those moments.
awalterj: I think it's pretty cool that you do all that medieval stuff, the swordplay & music and all!
Thanks, although the music isn't medieval and the modern hurdy-gurdy has way less in common with the medieval instrument than a violin has with a fiddle. Rarely any other instrument evolved more since then, but since it's still called the same, people always think it would be a medieval instrument and the music would be while it really isn't at all, it's quite modern folk.
Medieval HGs didn't even have a buzzer or a second row of keys and certainly no capos, teflon friction bearings, etc... and the tunes were mostly composed in the last years.

Regarding stage-fright:
Mine is not a normal case, more or less every experience I had with attention towards me up to when I was about 25 was extremely negative (especcially coming from my "family") and attention=pain is imprinted in my subcontious since my childhood so deeply, that if it's over a certain amount it will always have really bad affects on me, that's why I'm only playing with lots of others and usually one of the more silent instruments in comparison. It's gotten much better, otherwise I could never do stuff like this. I usually only play for myself and build instruments behind safe walls though and let others play for audiences. ;)

If I have a few other people playing with me, I can perform in front of very large audiences with way less problems.
Too much attention and I fall into a adrenaline rushed, fast pulse defensive state, because it usually came with direct physical and psychologial attacks when I was younger.
Survival instincts gone wild.

awalterj: it's normal that the participation rate is always -drastically- lower whenever even the slightest task is involved in a giveaway
Yeah, I noticed that doing something active and creative isn't common anymore.
It seems to be a cultural thing of our times.
Post edited November 30, 2014 by Klumpen0815
awalterj: I think it's pretty cool that you do all that medieval stuff, the swordplay & music and all!
Klumpen0815: Thanks, although the music doesn't have much to do with medieval and the modern hurdy-gurdy has way less in common with the medieval instrument than a violin has with a medieval fiddle. Rarely any other instrument evolved more since then, but since it's still called the same, people always think it would be a medieval instrument and the music would be medieval while it really isn't at all, it's quite modern folk.
Ok, let's call it "medieval sounding but it's really modern folk music"

Now that I screwed up you must think I'm a member of the uninitiated masses who walk around at the Mittelalterfest eating my Zwiebelbrot and thinking that all the stuff going on around me is 100% historically accurate and everyone is roleplaying the exact same century.
Don't throw me into semantic purgatory just because I use practical labels such as "medieval" in a very generous and broad way, cut me a little slack! :D
I don't want to be like that one guy at every Mittelalterfest who always has to point out how everyone else's costumes and weapons etc aren't historically accurate and not actually medieval but Renaissance or fantasy and so on. Those guys never seem to have much fun at any of the events as I noticed as a neutral observing visitor.
I also noticed that the tavern music in Baldur's Gate isn't medieval but renaissance/baroque and the plate armors aren't medieval either but I still call it medieval fantasy for practical purposes. If I said that the tavern music in BG sounds like Jacques Moderne or Claude Gervaise, I'd sound like a smartass. I've learned to tone it down but the side effect is that I then sound uncultured to people like you who obviously know a whole lot more than the general populace. I didn't want to insult your music, of course.
Klumpen0815: Hmm, it doesn't seem to inspire anyone, maybe I continue with this series as GoGs monthly "fresh art" gallery, let's see.
Sorry Klumpen, please don't take my lack of response for disinterest. I'm drowning in family at the moment, and haven't had space to sit down and listen since you've posted. (And I'm always super curious when someone mentions the Hurdy Gurdy.)