StingingVelvet: Color? Isn't it just an alternative to MSAA and the like with lower overhead? Nvidia's control panel lets you force it on any game.
I do use it a lot with new games, it kills most jaggies without hitting the framerate.
FXAA is, yes. but FXAA Tool apparently does quite a bit more.
Quote from
FXAA Tool adds different post processing methods to games, like Anti Aliasing, Sharpening, Bloom, Color Tones etc.
Shaders included so far:
FXAA - Anti Aliasing
Pre Sharpen - Removes FXAA created blur on edges
HDR - A HDR effect alike shader
Bloom - Makes light texture colors bleed into the scenery
Tonemap - Adjusts gamma, exposure, saturation, bleach and defog
Technicolor - A three-strip color process, like found on old movies
Sepia - Adds Sepia tones to the scenery
Anaglyph - For usage with Anaglyph 3D glasses
Vignette - Adds a frame around the scenery
Post Sharpen - Another way to Removes FXAA created blur on edges
Final Limiter - Adds option to limit the color output
Splitscreen - Adds splitscreen views, original vs shader
Noise - Adds noise as dots and lines
Radial - Adds from center drawn radial blurred lines
ScanLines - Adds horizental lines
CustomShader - Add your own shader into CustomShader.h, 2 toggles and 6 sliders available for it in the GUI