Dzsono: I personally enjoy Futurama and would recommend it, but let's get real for a moment *turns chair around and sits facing the backrest*. There are so many TV shows to choose from these days that you shouldn't force yourself to like a series just because you like the idea of liking it. Move on if you feel you are wasting your time and try another show or build a birdhouse with your son, or share an icecream with a stranger, or buy a game on GOG. Maybe Licurg can help you out with the last suggestion.
I don't think he's trying to force himself to like it, I think he's trying to give it a fair shake. And I applaud him for that.
But, the series isn't for everybody, it's not as broadly targeted as other cartoons are, and so it's entirely possible that it won't be for him.
But, OTOH, I think it's a series with a significant amount of depth to it and where the characters start to grow on you, even if most of the references are over ones head. It's shame that Fox couldn't give it a reliable time slot when it was on during the first run.