Posted September 08, 2012

English has many strange exemptions and such, but at least we are consistent with how we spell 'dough' :)

Americans speak American English. Almost everyone else that speaks English as a native language speaks a form of British English, with various local accents and vocabulary added in.
There are over 1.3 billion people who live in countries where English is a native language, meaning it's the official language of the country. Last I checked, America had around 310 million people, not all of whom are native English speakers.
Australia, the UK and New Zealand make up around 90 million people, plus around a billion more in Malta, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, the Bahamas, and a boatload of African countries all of whom have English as an official native language. Due to being former colonies, most are still taught British English.
Americans may think everyone speaks American English, but it's not true.
Post edited September 08, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames