Sogi-Ya: if there is one over arching fault with the Linux OS it's that it's various vocabulary words are border line gibberish except to the "functional autistic" grade of programers, and attempting to seek help sorting them out is usually met with snotty responses to the tune of "if you can't understand this then you must be to stupid to be running this OS."
either that or you get instructions, written in pseudocode and involving two recompiles of the software, on how to manually change the system commands into whatever you want.
..... I'm exaggerating a bit, but not on the vocal aspect of the Linux community being dominated by a bag of dicks. sweet Jesus, you would think that "accommodating to new users leads to expanded OS adoption" wouldn't be that hard of a concept to those intelligent enough to program an OS as a hobby.
A lot of those "dick" users feel exclusive and have no desire to help newbies or expand Linux. They can be safely ignored as what they are: toolbags. They infest the internet in general, not just Linux forums.
As for Linux itself if you stick to the big, newbie friendly distros it's a cinch these days. Go grab Ubuntu or Linux Mint and have fun using the very helpful help pages that Ubuntu provides. Avoid distros like Slackware, Arch, Mandriva and the rest, not because they are all bad or have bad communities, it's just that no matter what people tell you they are not as user friendly. The people telling you that they are aren't trying to deceive you, they just aren't aware of how much crap they already know that serves them as a foundation for understanding it all.
While I can't say you'll never end up on a command line in Ubuntu or Linux Mint, it should be fairly rare for mundane tasks.