Namur: Society should be free to tell you to fuck off by not granting your work any protection to begin with if you're going to behave like a spoiled brath who wants to have his cake and eat it too.
"I don't want to sell it anymore"
So we will enforce the laws on a case by case basis? If the author is an arsehole, he is not entitled to any rights. But if he is a nice guy who will release his work after a certain period of time we will protect his work.
Namur: Society granted you protection, through laws, when you were still selling it. In the spirit of those laws you got a grace period in wich you decided the best way to capitalize on your work, with the understanding that after that period your work would not only be acessible to the general public but people woud also be legally allowed to build, expand, etc., on your work.
yes they granted me protection and I released my work through channels I see fit, on a price I see fit. What if society decides my work is not worth 20 bucks but only 5? Will I be forced to release at that price?
What if society decides a paperback is not enough and I should release a hardcover too? or an e-book? or maybe I must turn it into a movie too because society wants it. What if society demands to see me at some book signing event, I must fly all over the world to meet the demand.
What you are missing is as long as there is certain interest in a work it will be released.
Society can expand on my work when I feel like it if I decide to release it as public domain. Or after 75 years of my death.
My contract with society is non existant. I write a book, I publish it, I make or lose money out of it and society gets to read it. ıf I decide to pull it back society isn't losing anything, I didn't collect money from my potential readers, I didn't promise them a great book. I didn't promise any sequels either. hell if the book runs out of print I can't even promise them a copy of my lousy book.
Namur: So basically your beahviour iis already that of a sleazzeball, you accepted the protection granted to your work, and you benefited financially form it, but now you don't want to hold up your end of the deal, you no longer wish to sell it, you don't want anyone else to sell it and you don't want anyone to have acess to your work , god forbid, for free either, which means that chances are your work is going to vanish from the face of the earth in a couple of generations - which if your book were in line to become a classic 100 years from now wouldn't anymore because it had vanished long before that, i think this covers the other part of your childish feet stomping.
I did hold up my end of the deal, I wrote a book, I published it. And now when there are no more copies I don't want to. I don't understand your reasoning behind forcing me to release it. Are you gonna come to my house and see if I am writing another book? I must publish it too ain't I?
I don't care about making my book a classic and I have no problems with it vanishing from the face of the earth. It's me in the first place who doesn't want to release it anymore for whatever reason.
Namur: Yes, i wrote poems, but i kept them to myself. I haven't shared them for free and i sure as shit didn't enter into a contract with society to protect my work while i made money from it. They are mine and i don't want you to have them, but they will only remain mine as long as i keep them for myself. The moment i sign up for protection and coin they will no longer be just mine. Hell, the moment i let someone else read them they'll no longer be just mine. When i make mistakes i own up to them, i don't go back on my word and i certainly don't try to sleazeball my way out of contracts, regardless of the level of embarassment involved.
Not everyone is on the same level of enlightment as yourself.
Or maybe they don't give a shit. Society can fuck off, they are not entitled to anything. Even I show my work to whole world it's still mine.