Ok, look I want to help you because I hate this thing and I've been in that situation before and you can stop it just like I did, just think how much time it takes to make a game and the fact that you're stealing and you'll feel really bad.
I used to buy the games on CD's for very cheap price like 0,50$ or 1$ and sometimes 4 games or more for 1$ and I had no Idea back then that those games were illegal and once I found that they are I put an end to all of this pirating and buying illegal games and other stuff. You have to know that one original and legal game is way better than 10 illegal games, most of the games that I used to buy or pirate illegally doesn't work, although that I think that in my country -I guess it's more poor than your country- there's no places to sell legal games -there might be few that I don't know about- but I didn't use that as an excuse to continue my bad behavior, I started to search for free games and I tell you that there's a lot of them.
The people here are very generous and they gave me some games, and I was really happy with the games that I got for free from GOG when I signed up because I know that I can play and my mind isn't thinking about how bad I'm for downloading or pirating. And you can't imagine how happy I was when some people gifted me games. And I promise them to return the favor when I can because I'm not here to use the generosity of this community and then vanish.
You can use this list as a start point and after that you have no excuse my friend.