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Congratulations on the paycheck and thank you for the giveaway! The Chico films were great. I'm in for Wizardry 8 and Vampire the Masquerade - Redemption.
In for the Betrayal at Krondor Pack for myself and nothing else since I'm a selfish, evil slimeball. Yep.


Okay, so I'm just a dirty liar. Also in for:

Betrayal at Krondor Pack for Novotnus
Caesar 3 for Bismarck
Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption for triock

Congrats on the first paycheck, Detlik and best of luck in your quest for the next one!
Vampire The Mascarade for me.
and congrats on the first paycheck.
I've completed Metal Gear Rising Revengeance today - It was an excellent game, much better than I expected, superb from start to finish just like Vanquish

Entering, thanks
Wow, fantastic giveaway. Thank you for your generosity!

I am really interested in Phantasmagoria and Gabriel Knight games, but would love to support Bigs and ne_zavarj.
Came for the cookies, but they were NOT IN so I am leaving empty handed. Again.
Nemorian: Betrayal at Krondor Pack for Novotnus
Thank you!

I'd like chocolate chip... oh :(

Congrats on your first paycheck! Hope there is more to come.
Anyway, thanks for this awesome giveaway!. I gratefully enter for
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura for myself

and Gabriel Knight 2&3 for user Big_Boss (gotta complete the trilogy, right?).

and er, share the Arcanum love with user Recsam511.

I hope that adds up correctly.

This seems like a fun giveaway. Again, thanks +1 to OH ALMIGHTY GLOTTIS/DETLIK
Post edited June 01, 2013 by dudetterinazor
Entering for Blade of Darkness. The remaining 7.01$ can go to someone random. :)
1) From personal experience, it's not the best system. Basically it rewards people who spend dozens of munnies on ingame items, or are willing to spend 10-15 bucks on the market for a badge and some emoticons. Maybe it could be better if more games were supported *and* if you had to do something meaningful ingame to earn them instead of just counting playtime and rewarding idlers. I've traded a few cards, got a couple of badges and got out with some pocket money on my Steam wallet. I won't be bothering myself with it for some time now.

2) Too many FFVIII haters.

3) Double Fine can have my unlimited money. All of it.

4) Which is more fun? Educated, or uneducated boobs?

I'm in for Wizardry 8 + Vampire The Masquerade Redemption. Thanks Glottis!
I'm in for Arcanum and Interstate 76. Thanks Detlik, you're a very cool guy!
thanks, i still can remember my first paycheck.
if i win its for Wizardry 8
Congratulations! I'm entering for:

- Return to Krondor
- Call to Power 2
- Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
- Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within

3. A Fallout game by Obsidian that doesn't run on the terrible Gamebryo engine and is free from any Bethesda influence.

Thank you!
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Daynov
Detlik: Thanks, real shame it was just one time job :(
Hey, that's all right. Who knows? Maybe it leads to a couple of referrals that end up with more work coming your way.
Congrats Detlik.
Mighty kind of you +1
Just wanted a chocolate cookie.