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Again, not sure why I'm scum because I thought you were suspicious from the start of the day. Just because a player suspects you doesn't mean they themselves are mafia. My statements aren't faulty just because they were against you. You didn't even respond beyond getting upset and calling my post horseshit and lies with absolutely no answers or responses to any of my arguments. If this is the kind of scum hunting help you wanted to bring to the table I'm not going to miss it much.
PenutBrittle: -Snip-
You clearly still haven't understood much of what I wrote or maybe your just keeping your play up ;) I don't really care at this point, though I doubt you can come a long way just stating false statements about others posts without even considering reasons.
Red_Baron: Please remember that sentence ;) And also why Robbeasy? Except having an odd idea about lynching your help, he has been mostly on my side in this. But I leave that in towns hands, do revenge my death as I would have yours.
Because he hammered you and because of his lurkiness sometimes.

Town (and scum) I am disappointed how this happened. We had clear dichotomy here. Votes were 5 to 5 for 2 players. One of those players claim and waht happens? Some poeple just want to hammer him as soon as possible. Only few people question him. (After my questions I am more convinced he is speaking truth) You were sure he is speaking truth? Or you just don't care? I think some poeple (a.k.a. mafia) wanted him soon ASAP, before towns starts to believe him.
No one cares about the second person anymore. When I asked him for claim he just smugly refused because he was sure the first person will die so he doesn't have to bother.
How do you want to win like this? You have to process and question informatio you get, not just accept them and either ignore or believe them blindly.

@Red_Baron; could you give us your reads on everyone? No need to meake it 11 pages long. :-)
Vitek: ... No one cares about the second person anymore. When I asked him for claim he just smugly refused because he was sure the first person will die so he doesn't have to bother...
Really? I seem to recall a different stance on this earlier...

Vitek: I agree with Red_Baron. Claim as soon as someone gets to L-2 shouldn't be automatic thing. I don't like when someone is pushed to L-2 only to get claim even when people don't intend to lynch him.
My vote is not firm one so you can count yourself at L-2.5 if you want.
I would like to hear more explanations, though.
So I know through Itai statements I am at least somewhat safe and you push me for a claim after you take me from L2. Which, by the by, not a single other player supported. I mean my god, even Baron didnt back you up. And its I who appear "smug" while you re-engineer your stance without even token support?
Vitek: No one cares about the second person anymore. When I asked him for claim he just smugly refused because he was sure the first person will die so he doesn't have to bother.
How do you want to win like this? You have to process and question information you get, not just accept them and either ignore or believe them blindly.
My problem right there - and what made me write the long novels :P Though, I should properly have taken another angle when something like that occurred.

Vitek: @Red_Baron; could you give us your reads on everyone? No need to make it 11 pages long. :-)
I'll do it quick then :P Before lynch scene:

muttyl13: Scum, far too many terrible arguments, lots of doging, wording and yea already said it all in many post and words.

Penut: I was kinda neutral on him, but his latest posts where he doesn't wait, assume my response, claims I haven't said anything other than muttly13 has, that my case is weak and so forth makes me inclined to consider him scum (or a player who have made a big misunderstanding.. very big).

Vitek: Well, I am leaning town on you, mostly due to reasons of actually considering the information, there was one post of yours that halted me a bit in that thinking, can't seem to recall it though.

Robbeasy: Well he posted a theory that was spot on at the start of day2 after muttly13's post, which makes me consider him town, unless he is outing a mafia buddy. But yea, even with the hammer I consider him town.

Itai: Does a very good job at staying low, kept his vote on stuart all this time, never mentioned by one I consider scum and has those small posts that targets others without himself acting upon it. Leaning scum

Pazzer: Neutral, mostly due to what I've seen from him in regards of noticing posts, problem is that he didn't really act upon it and allowed muttly13 to get away without wondering why he just flung the question aside. (Referring to when Pazzer brought to muttly13 attention that I did indeed talk about the NK and lynch before voting).

JoeSapphire: Leaning scum, because honestly I find Joe to be too inclined to lynch me without considering what I wrote that much, which I find odd due to knowing that Joe isn't a new player and should be the type to make note of others posts. Yet I haven't seen him do much in regards of muttly13's posts. Since I consider muttly13 scum it makes me believe Joe has something together with muttly13.

TwillightBard: Now much read, but he have done what I kept asking for: Actually looked at the case like and noticed how odd/suspect is was. Town in my opinion.

Stuart: I had him down as leaning town, then leaning scum. Makes him kinda neutral in my book, with most of his scummy actions coming down to him being new at the game. But well, as a fourth option for a scum, I might be considering him, never did get to form much of an opinion of him thanks to all the muttly mess :P

nmillar: No clue, I haven't seen him as much as I would like and I've seen less reaction than I would like. However if I have to say something I say leaning town. As he appeared to have considered the situation and then taken his vote, he just didn't comment much on it.

Well thats it :) Been wondering if I should leave a subtle hint of a secret, but nah. It will be more fun if you don't know about it and it doesn't make any difference in regards of the game anyway.

Best of luck to town, may you win.
I thought I had missed all the action due to real life intruding on things, but it would seem I am wrong.
Rodzaju: 5. When you are dead, you are dead - stop posting. A single "bah"-post is permissible and encouraged.
Why is Red_Baron not only still posting, and being actively encouraged to do so by certain players?

@Vitek: It's my impression that Red_Baron has by and large been lynched because of his claim, not the "case" against him. In other words he has been lynched because his claim has been believed, your statement is nonsense.
Vitek: Town (and scum) I am disappointed how this happened. We had clear dichotomy here. Votes were 5 to 5 for 2 players. One of those players claim and waht happens? Some poeple just want to hammer him as soon as possible. Only few people question him. (After my questions I am more convinced he is speaking truth) You were sure he is speaking truth? Or you just don't care? I think some poeple (a.k.a. mafia) wanted him soon ASAP, before towns starts to believe him.
No one cares about the second person anymore. When I asked him for claim he just smugly refused because he was sure the first person will die so he doesn't have to bother.
How do you want to win like this? You have to process and question informatio you get, not just accept them and either ignore or believe them blindly.

@Red_Baron; could you give us your reads on everyone? No need to meake it 11 pages long. :-)
Why take more claims than necessary? Neutral survivor is anti-town and should be lynched. (And surely if you can either win with town or with mafia that makes you neutral)
Hoping RedBaron is playing games with us... but it looks like his claim is true?
Well, the point - we don't need to test the claim, because if it's true he should be lynched and if it's lies he should be lynched.
((I'm understanding why crazy complicated roles can be annoying for th e players involved in the game and just how terrible it was that I got orryyrro to lie to you. I'm sorry and you can consider this lesson learned.)) ((not that I'm saying this role is crazy complicated. I'm not complaining))

Because why would you keep a neutral alive?

Well anyway, it will be better to see Muttly's claim after we know truth about redbaron isn't it?
stuart9001: Why is Red_Baron not only still posting, and being actively encouraged to do so by certain players?
Just a quick one before lynch scene: Its because its not night, its twilight. The bah post the rule is talking about is after I am dead :) Which I ain't yet. You have just decided to kill me as of now.
Indeed, RB is not dead until the Lynch scene is posted.
Post edited January 18, 2012 by Rodzaju
You’re all back in the bar. Well, those of you still alive, anyway. That incriminating rug has vanished at some point in the last 24 hours.

Again, 2 schools of thought have appeared. Muttly and Red Baron are having a full on shouting match. Wisely, it is a non-alcoholic evening this time. However, the lack of booze hasn’t made things much clearer.

Muttly and his gang are yelling “You are the killer! We all saw your true colours here, last night!”
Red Baron replies “Killer? You say I’m the killer? Here, in this hotel, I AM THE LAW!”
"I may not have found the ringleader, but I got rid of one of his henchmen yesterday.”
“Henchman? You murdered a helpless secretary!”

Seeing how things are going, Baron starts to retreat towards the door. Robbeasy grabs him by the tie to stop him getting away. Muttly keeps on “We all know you are a killer. We’ve all got eyes!”
Baron is being pushed back by the prodding finger & pulled forward by the grip on his tie.
He keeps spluttering “I’m a Good Guy!!”, his face growing redder all the time until he just seems to give up & slump to the floor. Seeing the apparent surrender, Robbeasy lets go, but it is too late. Red Baron has suffocated, the tie cutting into the skin of his neck.

“We may not have got THE killer, but we certainly got A killer”

Red Baron can’t respond, dead because he didn’t believe in clip-on ties…..

Red_Baron has been Lynched.
He was Nigel Kessack, Hotel Security Guard (Survivor / 1 shot Vigilante).
Night has now fallen.
No more posting please until dawn.
Night actions by 9am 20 Jan (Just over 36 hours from now).
Post edited January 18, 2012 by Rodzaju
Room service is not available at breakfast time.
You're starting to suspect it's a convenient opportunity for a head count, to make sure you are all still alive....
... Except not everyone reports down.
Nmillar is the no-show today.

He had the penthouse apartment.
This isn't strictly part of the hotel, more of a private house on the top floor.
In the absence of a security guard, the bartender takes the emergency access card for the suite & you all follow him up there.

Predictably, the apartment is silent.
A thorough search reveals no sign of Nmillar.
He's not in bed... He's not stuffed into the wardrobe.... He's not under the rosebush in the roof garden.

The mystery is solved when the bartender leans on the safety rail for a quick cigarette.
He flicks the ash off the end & follows it down with his eyes.... down to where Nmillar lay, speadeagled on the pavement 5 floors below.

Did he jump, or was he pushed?

Nmillar is dead. He was Vincent Cambridge, Hotel Manager (Town Beurocrat).
It is now day 3.
Deadline is 1am (GMT as always) 05 February.
Ah, morning fellas!
Anybody around to describe what a beurocrat is? or do I have to look it up myself? Maybe Rodzaju can tell us?
JoeSapphire: Ah, morning fellas!
Anybody around to describe what a beurocrat is? or do I have to look it up myself? Maybe Rodzaju can tell us?
He certainly can.... After the game.
have you made it up?