Posted February 16, 2012

Night 2:
Penutbrittle divines Vitek
You are stunned by the days events. There’s a HUGE difference between portents of doom & actually seeing people die in front of you. Now 4 dead in a couple of days…. Where will it end?
You feel a desperate need to be alone.
On your way to what refuge you can find in your room, it happens again…. that blinding pain in the back of your head that heralds a vision. You can see a summer meadow, with a man frolicking carefree. That has got to be good, right?
As the vision, clears you notice that you are standing outside Viteks room.
You consider knocking to wish him luck, but think better of it as you catch a whiff of perfume.
Is that part of the vision, or has he already got lucky tonight?
You have Divined Vitek. He has Good Fortune.
Nmillar dies
Slightly puzzled by the days events, you need a bit of peace and quiet to think things through.
The 4 walls of your penthouse apartment are really not helping.
You need some air, the lights and sounds of the city to take you away from all the death and suspicion.
It seems things are even worse than you feared. More than 1 killer in your hotel. How will your reputation ever survive this?
Leaning on the safety rail in your rooftop garden, watching the traffic go by, you are simultaneously alone and surrounded by noise and life. It’s the perfect tonic. If only you could stay up here forever….
In your own little world, you do not notice the footsteps creeping up on you. The first clue that you are not entirely secluded is a wrench smacking you on the back of the head! Dazed, you are unable to defend yourself as your assailant grabs you around the knees. Before you fully comprehend what is happening, you are over that rail and plunging towards the ground, 5 floors down….
You have been murdered.
Joesapphire Tracks Robbeasy
You’ve had a busy evening.
After the events of the day, no-one seemed to feel like a sit down meal, so they’ve all been ordering room service.
You’ve just delivered the last tray & are starting to consider what you are going to eat.
As you exit the room, you notice someone else is leaving their room.
Your curiosity piqued, you quietly follow.
Robbeasy is clearly up to something with a stride like that… Determined and yet almost afraid to arrive…
You watch Robbeasy slip into Vitek’s room.
You’re still pushing your cart & are getting hungry yourself, so that will have to do.
You return to the kitchen to find something for dinner.
You have Tracked Robbeasy. He visited Vitek.
Muttly investigates Vitek
You were right there, staring Baron in the face as he died!
You take a moment to look around the room, partly to gauge the reactions of the others and partly to distract yourself from the feeling of disgust at what you have brought about.
Some look resigned, some beaten down by the relentlessness of it all, some can’t even meet your gaze...
It’s Vitek that jumps out at you though.
He looks as though he is going to be physically sick.
His attention is fixed on the bartender, almost begging for a drink.
If he reacts like this to seeing someone die, there’s no way he could actually make it happen.
Robbeasy protects / blocks Vitek
This weekend was supposed to be a happy occasion, the chance to bask in the glow of a job well and truly done. Instead, it’s been the worst time of your life. So much horror… So much bloodshed… And the Professor gone...
You are fast reaching complete despair. You are almost afraid to go to bed in case you never wake up. Then again, you almost hope that you won’t wake up & have to face this dreadful place tomorrow.
No! You won’t be alone tonight…
You arrive at Vitek’s door.
You hesitate, wondering how he will react to your advance.
Then you notice that the door isn’t quite closed.
With your heart in your mouth, you enter & fasten the latch behind you.
He is prone on the bed, still half dressed.
Fearing the worst, you rush to his side.
You jump out of your skin as something knocks your foot, but it’s just an empty whisky bottle rolling out from under the bed! The stress must be getting to him too. He hasn’t even unpacked his case. What were his dreams for the weekend?
You empathise with this poor, lonely man & slide into his bed. You wrap your arms around him & hold him close as you fall asleep.
You wake up about an hour before dawn. He is snoring softly beside you.
You suddenly panic.
How are you going to explain this to him.
Hopefully, you won’t have to.
You grab your clothes & return to your own room,
He will probably never know you were there…
You have Protected Vitek.
Post edited February 17, 2012 by Rodzaju