Hello people,
I'm Gabriele "Abisso" Nannetti, project-manager of Forge.
First of all, let me say I'm really happy to see that more people than I though are speaking about the game. I owe this to Loom mostly but I also believe it depends on what we've shown during these years. Because yes, it's "years" we're talking about, but do you know how many Loom sequels have been announced since Loom came out and never even arrived to a tech-demo stage?
Let me tell you a bit more about the story of Forge and Quill O' the Wisp, its team.
It's true that our "team" (me and the former project-manager) has been assembled in July 2009, but we were just two guys. A game-designer and a coder, both somewhat amateurs. We had to struggle to find cooperators, and so I'd say we've been swift in providing a tech-demo which not only showed the mechanics of the game but even original graphics, music, sfx, and plot elements.
Then we started working on the first part of the game, outsourcing almost everything and spending our own money to pay for the backgrounds. To be completely honest, that money, which amounts to about 2000 USD has been paid in full by the former project manager: my opinion at the time was that we absolutely had to look for an artist that, like us, was willing to work for free. Then I understood pixel-art of such quality is almost impossible to be found for free, and this is why I suggested the current donation system at the end of 2010.
Anyway, we were lucky, and we slowly found (and lost) people that helped us with small sprites and animations, some music tracks, and so on. Then both me and the project manager had tough times for different reasons. During summer 2012, he left the team and I had to take his role and re-invent myself as a project-manager. Not the easiest job in the world, especially if you have to work on the code as well, believe me.
You alsohave to understand all the people except the background artist have always worked for free on a freeware game, which means none of us will ever make a single cent out of it.
The people that worked on Forge have lifes, the most lucky ones have families and a job. We're doing this on our free time, and you can't imagine how many hours I've personally spent writing lines of code, emails and forum posts.
At this point, some of you may think mine is an angry, maybe even arrogant reply, but it isn't. Frankly, I'm just sad. Because it's really frustrating to learn that you have deluded people expectations, even more if you've deluded YOUR OWN expectations well before that. And this is the truth, cause I have to admit the announcement of the demo for the end of Spring 2012 has been an awkward move. I'm human, guys. We all are, and it's very difficult to make correct predictions.
Does Daikatana, Alan Wake or Rage ring a bell? Those games were commercial projects, had huge companies with dozens of people working on them, and they missed the estimated deadline by about 5 years each.
That said, I want to admit once again that announcing the demo so early has been stupid and premature. Please accept my apologies for that. As you can see I haven't made an announcement this time, but we are in beta-stage, so you probably understand we're not that far from our goal.
I try to post monthly updates on forgegame DOT com, so please check it out sometimes if you want to know about our progress and have a better grasp of how and why development can be slow sometimes.
And please, if you already haven't, ask yourself what YOU did for the project, and if you could have done more. We have a donation system and we are crystal clear about how the money gets spent. With the current budget we can barely afford 4 new backgrounds and we need about 20 more instead. You don't have money or you don't want to entrust it to us? I can understand that. Donate some of your free time then. There's a lot of positions we need to fill in our team. Don't just complain, be part of the change. The more we are, the faster we can develop the game.
Check our Donation page if you want to lend a hand.
And we have a Forum! Why don't you join our community? It's free, and it's the best way to stay up to date and see things from the inside. I truly hope to see you there.
Sorry for the "outburst". I hope you all understand Forge is like a child to me, and I tend to get overprotective, but just because I actually care a lot. I love it.
Thanks for your attention.
-Gabriele "Abisso" Nannetti