Clagg: If you're that bothered at what people vote about your post, don't post anything.
I got my good rep, by posting positive messages, and helping people with technical issues. If people don't want my help anymore, that's fine, that's up to them. If they want to -1 me because I have high rep, it's their own foolishness. They're jealous because I'm helpful? I help people because to me, it is satisfying, much more deeply satisfying than trolling. I could troll all day if I wanted. I don't hog rep, there are many people who have solved issues in the Fallout forums, and I don't claim to know everything about Fallout, I try to help where I can. It just so happens that due to my work, I have a large amount of time to be on here and assist people. I could help people someplace else. I have no problem picking up and moving to a new community, I've done it before. I always attract a lot of controversy, a lot of jealousy. It's not so much that I'm confident, or stuck up, it's just something I recognize that happens. I'm helping more than just the users on here, but the staff as well, by bug reporting, educating new users, and providing an example to other people.
What is that example? to be helpful. If tomorrow, all my rep was taken away from me, and I was at the bottom of the list, and people like Karl and Nico were up at the top, I'd congratulate the both of them. Being helpful to others is a wonderful thing. But I think I eventually (if I cared to keep at it) would gain the rep back to surpass them, because it is in my nature to be helpful.
I'm taking an extra interest in loss of rep not just for my own sake, but for the sake of others who have been helpful, or will be helpful. Let's face it, it has finally happened, the community is no longer as wonderful as it once was. As we all knew it wouldn't last. Trolls, greed, and etc have set in, but that's ok. That's everywhere. But if we can safe guard against these practices and stay pro-active, perhaps this will be a safe community after all.
Here's to no longer being beta! Here's to future updates!