Deviate: Ah yes, because an option to hide posts that I find moronic is a bad idea..
For the most part, your post is actually quite agreeable and I find nothing wrong with it. The Rep system works absolutely perfectly, in theory.
The problem we're facing is those same idiots who post mindless drivel are -1'ing posts that either attempt to correct, probe into the discussion, or pose a viewpoint opposite to the reader. Like stated earlier, someone received a -1 for saying they enjoyed a game! (although, to be honest I would probably -1 anyone who said any Final Fantasy was the best RPG ever, because usually, in those situations, they haven't played every RPG..) The system which, as you so stated works absolutely fantastically in theory, is being abused. It's been suspected that people have made multiple accounts to downvote someone, for having a question, or an opinion, and not being satisfied with an answer.
Perhaps with the proposed fix of removing a -1 option, and perhaps making it so you have to have at least some rep to give a +1, the situation might be less abuseable. I myself am probably the most downvoted person here, simply because I either A.) Have the highest Rep already, or B.) have ticked off a handful of people. Infact, so many people have taken notice of me, I've been directly mentioned by name in a weekly update. Now I do consider myself to be (most of the time) a polite, well thought out poster of these forums, but the way it appears due to my controversy and fame, that if I post an answer, there couldn't be any other answer, or that because of my rep, I'm like the final word or something, I by no means am the final word on anything. Anyway +1 to you sir
Deviate: Ah yes, because an option to hide posts that I find moronic is a bad idea. Face it people, someone who's gotten negative rep has most likely earned it!
KingofGnG: So explain me this: why in the
heckertonthis post has been minused?!? Because I've expressed my opinion on the sad state of things (from a political, civil, judiciary, moral, economical standpoint) in Italy? WTF? I can't express my opinions because this is moronic for you or some one else? Oh please, c'mon, you'd deserve a -10 minus, this is censorship apology :-P
The trolls usually need to be fed, if you let them starve you won't need some crappy system like this "reputation" thingy whose only utility is... well, dunno what is its utility up to now :-P
Because of lack of a PM, I am forced to remind you that swearing is not allowed on these boards (I've seen staffers get upset by it, and I urge you to edit your post).