Un_Oso: Do you consider that justice?
It just seems imbalanced, and having it balanced out would be great.
from what I gather it takes either 3 -1's or 4, to result in a -1 reputation. While it takes upwards of 10 +1s on a single post to get a +1 to your reputation.
Ideas like having to post a response as to why you did a -1, would make a -1 more acceptable. Also, you can't change your vote on a post, even though the creator can edit it. I've mistakenly pressed the - button by accident, I'm sure there are many others who have as well.
Other ideas like requiring a person to have rep, or be at zero rep, before being able to down or up vote a post have also been suggested.
Also, the way it is currently set up, is if you -1 a post, it will always be hidden unless you specifically tell it to unhide that once. I have had instances where I told the webpage not to hide any posts, but it will still hide my own posts, just because they had a -8 or more.
the system as it is, is broken.