This is really, really awesome and all, but how do they plan to kill all those responsible for all of the other technological and scientific progress that's been held back in favor of 'moral values'?
Surely they'd have to find some way to snuff a bunch of old bastards before 'food tubes' are no longer a 'one-way street towards obesity, laziness, entitlement, and fears of terrorists poisoning our food supply'. Right?
Aside from all that, there's that other reason we don't have stuff like this and flying cars.
1. This technology is for the wealthy. Everybody else exists primarily for the purpose of making this possible.
2. Some stuck-up people realize that idiots would ruin this for everyone. People can barely drive in two dimensions. Making them have to work with three of them would be too much, and suggesting that 'humans are dumb as fuck and unfit to drive as it is, and the future will have vehicles that run on autopilot' results in more questions, and a lot more unintelligible yelling, than any useful answers.
So, yeah. I can only hope I live long enough to become qualified and hired to be the guy who fixes food tube jams for somebody who could afford to have it installed in their house. Most people can't even afford to have broadband and cable installed into their house, much less pay the fees.
The real problem involves half-wits putting their mouth on one end of a tube and mashing buttons. Perhaps the kind of parents who would somehow jam their children into the tubes and tell them to bring back food for free. I just know that people would find some way to fuck things up! XD