It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Apparently even if you don't buy the bundle if you get a game that part of this asm.js stuff you get this stuff all over you. It disappears my FTL store purchase and my humble indie bundle 9 unless I enable javascript from cloudflare at which point it shits a flt asm.js game all over my window which I can't get rid of so I can't actually download anything.

I didn't ask for it, I don't want it and I can't get rid of it!
What browser are you using? Try the newest releases of Firefox or Chrome.

I don't have any problems with HB site (Firefox 32.0 @ Linux 64-bit). That reminds me - I think FF 33 is out.
low rated
Firefox is bloatware and Chrome STEALS your credit card numbers!
wat (that sounds terrible)
I am looking at the game list on and everything seems fine and all the download options are there.

As for the games loading into the browser the humble bundle 9 page loads it in but is click to play and the rest of the page and download options are still there.
Post edited October 16, 2014 by JetGumRadio
wtf is this topic about?
darthspudius: wtf is this topic about?
About a bundle that contains a number of games (some of them rebundled) that can be played on a browser and one of those games messing up with the OP's account, leaving him unable to download his games.
darthspudius: wtf is this topic about?
Grargar: About a bundle that contains a number of games (some of them rebundled) that can be played on a browser and one of those games messing up with the OP's account, leaving him unable to download his games.
Oh that makes sense, wasnt a well written post. :P
I've just tried it and it seems to be OK with my account and browser.
I'm using Firefox 33.0, and the asm.js window appears on my Indie 9 page, but doesn't load up.
Perhaps this because I also disabled the auto download of games tick box/ button on the asm.js window that appears on the main Humble page. (Bottom left hand corner.)
fr33kSh0w2012: Firefox is bloatware and Chrome STEALS your credit card numbers!
Wait.. what?

Been using Chrome for a while now. What do you mean? Link?
Use GOG only, and these problems disappear.
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Firefox is bloatware and Chrome STEALS your credit card numbers!
Martek: Wait.. what?

Been using Chrome for a while now. What do you mean? Link?
Hope you Like Reading!
Thanks for those links! But ...Phew. I "should" be "safe".

I only use ANY browser in "private" mode, with no add-ons (in Chrome this is known as "Incognito" mode). I have any and all "auto fill" and "remember this for me" turned off in my browsers. I don't have it remember "history" or save "cookies". Flash (and other similar add-ins) are OFF unless I enable them per-instance. There is no "cache" saved on my browsers (except I don't trust IE in this regard - even with everything "off" it still creates these odd directories of files that can't be read - so I don't use IE very often).

IOW, I don't need all those "conveniences" that seem to be of paramount importance to most everyone these days.

As one of the articles notes:

Alternatively, disabling Autofill or using Incognito mode will protect form data
Also, just as a point of note: that's year-old+ info. Chrome has been updated many times since then. Perhaps those vulnerabilities have been closed?

The worst thing I worry about these days, and don't really account for yet, is the way the "canvas" can still ID you - even with all that crap turned off. The TOR browser warns about it and blocks it - but I don't use it often (enough).

Thanks for the leads :)
Sounds like a pretty user specific problem. Not something widespread. Not that it makes it any less annoying for you though.
It's also about having to constantly allow new javascripts hosts for basic functionality. I had another reminder yesterday when I picked up free payday from steam. Sometime in the last year Steam decided you need to allow to login on the website
Again a massive host that will be leaving content bombs all over the web and I have to allow it to use a website that previously I did not.