Tarm: Hm. True. I guess most people only watch the first debate.
Here in Sweden it's different. The political parties is not reflecting what most Swedes want any more.
For example when people are asked about what they think are most important they constantly say Welfare (Health care, educational system, benefits for those that can't work or don't have jobs and so on.) and Jobs. We don't mind high taxes if our tax money go to that. Since the nineties no Swedish government have listened. All we hear from our politicians is that they say that they think those things and a balanced budget are important but what they really do is cut down on welfare and do some crazy experimental stuff about creating jobs which they seem to think is the most fun part of their job. Oh and experiment on the school system. That's the second most fun for them.
Yes they say they'll do things that'll make those things better so they tell a lot of tales. The truth is that if those things are to get better they have to start spending more on them and that's the one thing that they'll never do. The only thing they do is make sure the budget have a surplus and spend our tax money on other things.
All this is doing is making ordinary Swedes sick of the high taxes because they don't feel they are getting anything back from them. Absurdly enough this is starting to make people want lower taxes when the high taxes isn't the problem. It's politicians not doing what the people want.
Yeah there are political parties that truly do want to really change things but they aren't big enough to have a real say in the matter.
So we Swedes have started to not care. The percentage that's voting is falling fast which is making it even harder for the people to make its voice heard so the politicians listen even less. A vicious circle.
That's why I say my vote doesn't matter any more.
Now that USA will vote soon it would be interesting to know if my views are shared by someone from USA. Maybe we're not that different?
I'm sorry that I missed this and I also apologize for completely whiffing on your nationality. I don't think we're all that different. In a perfect world, I honestly wouldn't be as upset as I am in the real world about the various types of government or the manner of taxation they apply.
At the end of the day, most people just want to live pleasant, happy, reasonable lives. The problem - as you touched on - is that people are not angels nor are they infallible. This notion is the crux of American government. We cannot and should not trust that other men will do well for us especially when we are perfectly capable of doing well for ourselves.
America has endured circumstances just like you described in your own country; we have politicians who are detached from the reality of our nation. And, if you look at the recent polls, what Americans really want is for government to just get out of the way and let us live our lives. America is different from Sweden culturally. In a small country with a strong sense of civic pride a strong central government may not be a bad thing at all. Everyone kicks in, everyone contributes to the system.
Unfortunately, America is 1) very large, 2) very diverse, and 3) has a long-established culture of dependency. Moreover, we have a history of politicians enriching themselves in the name of populism (Barack Obama and Harry Reid are two cases in point). An overbearing central government doesn't work for us because it's too inefficient given the size of our nation and because it relies heavily on what we today call "makers" while an equally sized portion of "takers" don't contribute to the system.
Do not misunderstand me: makers vs. takers is not rich vs. poor. Many rich people and big corporations are takers under our system. That is a huge reason why I support Mitt Romney: if he can make everyone pay into the system - and reduce the burden for some of us who have been paying more than our fair share - he'll be a wonderful success in my eyes.