Fenixp: So, I'm playing the new Rise of The Triad and there's an ENTIRE level based around the premise of jumping puzzles, avoiding traps, instadeath, bottomless pits and almost no combat whatsoever. On top of all this crap, some idiot thought it's going to make the game more 'hardcore' if they don't implement quicksave.
First of all, what the fuck? It's clear to anyone with half a brain that what the game excels at shooting, and without seeing the rest of your body to precisely judge your position and VERY tight controls, you won't be able to properly jump anywhere. So... Entire. Level? ... Seriously?
The point I stopped playing this game was when you had to do these four challenges or whatever they were called, those that involved quite a bit of platform jumping.
Then I uninstalled it.
Then I felt better. :-)
Worst design in an FPS I encountered lately, along with the (buggy) user interface in Metro 2033, which I also played recently.
At least I got through this one, but only with cheating.