Posted May 11, 2011

*high fives Arteveld
Digger was badass. For a pc game at least. ;) It had sound effects and background music going simultaneously on the pc speaker.
I can still hear the music in my head.
One second thought, FU Arteveld ;)
just kidding
I vaguely remember the music in Digger, honestly. Though, i've played it recently in DosBOX, and if i didn't, i probably wouldn't remember it at all. I was brought up on a C64, so Digger on a IBM XT with Hercules and a PC Squeaker wasn't that impressive to me. Though i'm not sure i could remember my first C64 game, i barely waked then.
It's the first PC game i remember playing, there were also Paratrooper and Alley Cat, but i'm pretty sure Digger was my introduction to IBM PC.