jamyskis: Good of you to be so judgmental of others. Tell me, would you have been so judgmental of the us Germans in 1945 when word of Hitler's death spread throughout Germany?
Zchinque: I might very well be daft, but I don't understand your use of the word 'judgmental' here.
Did everyone not celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden in the US?
Zchinque: And I found that sad too. Not that Osama bin Laden died, mind, but that people were celebrating it.
What do you do with these criminals?
Zchinque: Rehabilitate as well as possible. In cases were rehabilitation is not an option, they should be treated humanely, and to the extent possible be given the ability to lead meaningful lives where they might in some way contribute back to society. This while at the same time protecting society at large by keeping them separated from it.
And how do you disincentivise murder of this kind? Prison?
Zchinque: Retribution has never proved to be a good deterrent, and certainly not proved to lower the risk of convicts re-offending.
Norway has one of the most - if not
the most - humane penal systems in the world. Yet, Norway have among the lowest murder rates in the world, among the lowest percentage of it's population incarcerated in the world, and among the lowest recidivism rates in the world.
I'm a firm advocate of the eye-for-an-eye principle, but at the same time, I do believe that remorse should play a mitigating factor. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the question - can a criminal be made into a human being that respects life?
Zchinque: And the best way to mend a broken human being is to treat them like a human being. Treat them with respect and provide them with education, health care, responsibilities, and some thing that will help them create meaning in their lives.
This is a report on one of the prisons in the Norwegian system, Bastøy. It's an island where the inmates - including murderers and rapists - live as normal lives as is possible. They hold livestock, grow vegetables, watch TV, prepare most of their own meals, earn some money so that they can buy their own food and other products they need from the on-site supermarket. After 4 pm there are only four guards on the whole island. Even the ferry, which is the only way to get to the mainland, is operated by an inmate. And with a reoffending rate at 16%, it's below the National average.
This is only one of quite a few articles about Bastøy, other Norwegian prisons, or the Norwegian penal system as a whole, but I found it fascinating as it was written by Erwin James, a journalist who himself has served 20 years in prison for murder, so he was able to draw some comparisons to his own familiarity with the British penal system.
I'm starting to think, Scandinavians are the only civilized people in the world. Rest are just savages...