Zchinque: snip ...
This is a report on one of the prisons in the Norwegian system, Bastøy. It's an island where the inmates - including murderers and rapists - live as normal lives as is possible. They hold livestock, grow vegetables, watch TV, prepare most of their own meals, earn some money so that they can buy their own food and other products they need from the on-site supermarket. After 4 pm there are only four guards on the whole island. Even the ferry, which is the only way to get to the mainland, is operated by an inmate. And with a reoffending rate at 16%, it's below the National average.
This is only one of quite a few articles about Bastøy, other Norwegian prisons, or the Norwegian penal system as a whole, but I found it fascinating as it was written by Erwin James, a journalist who himself has served 20 years in prison for murder, so he was able to draw some comparisons to his own familiarity with the British penal system.
I'm starting to think, Scandinavians are the only civilized people in the world. Rest are just savages...