Well, reading that summary has only made me more confused. :)
Yeah, this is what I meant with my earlier comment about the more you play the FF games, the harder it became to follow the storyline. It always seemed that every FF game had a "kudzu plot." It started out simple enough, but as you went on, the writers just felt that they had to add more and more threads, so they kept hanging more and more stuff onto the framework, tying in more and more things which made the entire thing so complicated, the whole narrative started to sag under its own weight.
And instead of making the storyline deeper and more interesting, it just became so twisted and so convoluted that you had no idea what was going on at any given moment, and you almost just didn't care anymore. That certainly happened to me during a lot of FF7, which was a shame. VIII had a few similar moments, too. I'm not sure if this was just something that's inherent to the way Japanese video game writers do things, or what, but it seemed to be something that just plagued FF games. I liked the games, mind you. I finished them, I still consider them good games, but yeah, there were a bunch of moments of sheer WTFery when it came to their storylines.