DaCostaBR: Well, you can see at least one side of the fight here:
https://twitter.com/AnnoyedGamer. Unfortunately, like I said, Fish's side has been locked. I'd say Beer, the other guy, was actually pretty diplomatic, but then again, he used to work on PR so you'd expect him to know better.
Goatbrush: I just saw that an image of Fish's timeline was posted on the reddit thread about this. I was going to post it here before considering it could be seen as a dick move seeing as he locked his profile, but it is out there if you want to go check it out.
It wasn't as bad as I was expecting to be honest.
Edit: I'm also wondering if the cancellation was because of all this, or if something else is up and maybe the reason he got so pissed on twitter is because he was already in a bad mood about it. There's a lot of ways to spin what happened, and I doubt we'll ever find out. It's still sad when someone stops creating entertainment which a lot of people enjoy though, no matter the reasoning.
Just read it. I won't deny that I see worse on forums on a regular basis, but still, we do expect better from someone in his position.
Apparently, whatever the Beer guy said was directed both at him and Jonathan Blow, hence BlowFish, but we never see him involved in things like this. I really think Blow is a perfect point of comparison, they're both indie devs who no doubt went through a lot of scrutiny, but handled it in different ways. I would also agree that Fish has to deal with more, concerning people's criticism or even attacks, but that is a result of how he handled himself in the past.
Finally, I hear he has dealt with depression, so that explains his behavior somewhat. Also, though I absolutely hate people making amateur diagnostics over the internet, I wouldn't be surprised if he was bipolar, what with his occasional manic behavior over small things.