RadonGOG: But I do not even think that those two aspects will consume more than five hours, maybe the other factors will consume the same.
So there´d still be some profit; not that much in comparision to a monster-seller, but it would be quite O.K.
F4LL0UT: Now if only you didn't base *everything* on completely hypothetical numbers, starting with the effort it takes to publish the game up to expected sales. Fun fact: Race the Sun sold only ~770 copies during its launch month on multiple distributors including GOG. So clearly a game can fare far worse than 1000 copies sold a month and already the $3000 you mentioned feel like a ridiculous sum. We're talking about a distributor here, a complex machinery powered by a whole bunch of people who have to do a fair amount of work before a release (like QA, a process other distributors omit and that the developers/publishers are often fully responsible for) and who have to maintain servers and provide support afterwards. There's no way for us to know what kind of sales a game needs to be profitable for GOG.
RadonGOG: Oh, and the game can be bundled afterwards ;)
That can create some more profit too... ;)
F4LL0UT: You mean like when Amanita Design fucked GOG and everyone who had pre-ordered Botanicula through GOG by instantly publishing it through Humble Bundle? :P
RadonGOG: And reviews are, as stated earlier, also quite fine!
F4LL0UT: Same was true for Ethan: Meteor Hunter and we know
how that worked out. Opinions by the people who actually played a game often have almost no impact on how a game sells (possibly the most famous example being Psychonauts which was a commercial disaster despite fantastic reviews - until it was re-released digitally that is). I don't know how Q.U.B.E. has been doing so far but if it hasn't been doing well then whatever is keeping people from buying it so far will probably keep them from buying it from GOG.
serpantino: I was just joking about the typo. I meant no offense.
F4LL0UT: You joked friggin' good, though. It made me laugh so hard that I almost woke up my GF. :D
1st: You´ve got right, it´s hard to actually tell how many copies a title will sell and if you will do make profit with that one!
2nd: Well, Ethan: Metheor Hnter is some of a non-reviewed-game:
http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/ethan-meteor-hunter Four magazine reviews? That´s nothing. If nobody knows if a game is good and it´s not having an astonishing trailer, how should it sell many copies?
Q.U.B.E. is a total different thing at that point!
3rd: Big surprise for me that RaceTheSun haven´t sold that many copies yet, but it has also been a not-so-often reviewed game. (magazine reviews only came many weeks after release) That´s never good!
4th: Q.U.B.E. has been a lot in spotlights, I´d even say that it´s one of the most famous portal-likes out there...
Well, your post is a shame for this communit. Simply a shame!
RadonGOG: I´m not sure: Are you making fun on my "thrust"---"trust" typo or is this comment non-ironic?
If it´s not ironic:
Thats also why I think that this issue here is important: Everything on GOG is build upon trust and if it gots hurt, like here, everything could collapse in a short time. So I´d really like to here something from officals...
serpantino: I was just joking about the typo. I meant no offense.
To give a more serious response:
Chances are, in this case that they either haven't actually contacted GOG and are under the mistaken impression that GOG is only after new indies or they can't come to an agreeable deal/won't relinquish the drm they use.
Gog has a long history of messing up where trust and faith is concerned but, unlike most sites, it's almost entirely unintentional on their part and they are openly apologetic about things. They're actually pretty respectful of their users and really do put the effort in to give us what we want. I do think they struggle with their current work force versus work load though as game testing has been lax of late and support queries can take a while.
Also if you're hoping for an official response you'd have been better off with a more descriptive title as the gog members that frequent the forums aren't too likely to pay much attention to a thread with the title you've chosen. Something like 'Why isn't Q.U.B.E on GOG?' might've gone down a bit better.
Thanks for the clearification.
If I look at your post again, it now seems very obvious---quite nice humor... ;)
@your point concerning the title:
I actually made this topic out of a short moment, I didn´t plan it.
"GOG rejects Q.U.B.E., don´t they?" or so would be a better one, I agree!