Wishbone: You misunderstand me. It's not the
number of weapons that's important, it's the
type of weapons. The name says it all really.
Hack and
slash. Meaning combat with edged weapons, or melee weapons at any rate.
Ah, i see, but then again, the term is quite loose. Since it's origins do in fact come from swordbased games, we have more recent titles, which are of the same genre, yet have no swords. Shadowgrounds, Space Siege, and one other SG clone that came out recently. And then we have the aforementioned Druid.
And then we have those two Raven titles..MageSlayer and Take No Prisoners.
There are also those ugly Russian Alien/Zombie Shooters.
I do remember some time ago, someone tried to add a similar genre, "shoot n" something, but i don't think it held for long.
I'm not arguing the term, i'm arguing about the terms use, which should not be strict, and it's better for all of us, to call some games HNS instead of "action rpg". The genre came a long way, and the name is not precise, that's really all i wanted to mention;)
I see no sense in adding an additional genre "shoot and kill" or anything, no point in creating a second name, for something that already exists, especially, if the only difference is the setting,
See, if we wanted to be literal, we'd have to rename RTS, or stop calling many games that, because there's not much strategy involved in those.