LiquidOxygen80: As impractical as the idea is, that Landkreuzer looks like a tracked freaking Death Star, but it WOULD be a massive magnet for bombers, dive bombers, artillery strikes, etc. I don't think the flak guns would have deterred air strikes on it.
Kinda reminds me of those giant tanks from MD Geist.
iippo: Thats pretty much the reason we do not have those huge-ass battleships like in WW2, carriers being pretty much the sole exception.
Big, expensive targets and even excessively armor doesnt really protect from modern AT weapons.
Shame really, personally i always thought WW2 battleships were like the coolest thing ever.
Yeah, me too, as more of an awesome idea more than what it could actually do. It's part of the reason I always enjoyed those "Weirdest Weapons of WWII" shows. I'm not actually compensating for anything when I say I like the idea of big ol' battle machines. :P