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I'm my favourite general of course, commander Kunovski! :D

and my favourite tank can't be anything else but T34/85 (after I've watched this "TV show" there was no coming back :)

but I also like IS3 as it looks really cool!

generally russian machines, they're just so raw and unstoppable :D
IronStar: Meh I don't really count failarmy tanks as real ones. French had best tanks at the beginning of WW2 and managed to do nothing with that. They weren't produced nor used enough to make any difference.
AlKim: Which doesn't mean some of the designs were rather good, at least on paper. I believe the Germans captured a fat load of them, but their combat performance went largely unrecorded; I suppose they were mostly stationed in occupied non-combat territories.
Indeed, the Germans actually had issues with the French tanks during the few encounters that they had with them in sufficient numbers for it to really matter. It is theorized that had the French actually used their tanks in a proper way, and not just scattered them through the infantry as support vehicles, they might have slowed down the German advance enough for their army to be able to mount a proper counter offence.

IronStar: Panther was vastly superior to Russian designs of the time, even though it was based on t34 as it.was designed not to be destroyed in less than two weeks of service. I don't think they continued producing pz3 at the time Panther was massproduced.
AlKim: I agree that the Panther was vastle superior to the T-34 and probably remained so throughout the war, but it did have a few disadvantages related to external factors. For instance, it was more expensive (not that Germany would've won even if it wasn't) and it ran on petrol, which created logistical difficulties. The Panzer III was produced alongside the Panther, although not for very long. I think the IV was built throughout the war, though.
Yes, the Panzer IV was built through the entire war, and also after it. The Panzer IV was a very successful tank, that combined a relative ease of production with versatility and a chassis that was easy to modify. Just look at the amount of Panzer IV-based designs that was used during WW2
The Panther was probably the single best combat vehicle during the entire second world war. It was fast, reliable, had a good gun, sloped armour, surprisingly cheap to produce and it was not as much of a fuel hog as many later designs. It has been theorized that had the Germans stopped at the Panther, and just focused on producing versions of it, they might actually have won the war. Luckily they did not, and instead wasted a lot of resources on tanks that were a lot worse. The Tiger might have been a big and imposing beast, but its lack of sloped armour, mechanical issues (that were had to fix in the field) and thirst for fuel made it a burden for the German army. A well placed Tiger was still something that the allied army feared (even words of it being a Tiger in the field had a negative effect on the moral of the allied soldiers), but in the end, it would probably have been better for the Germans if it had never been made.

IronStar: Maus was logistically disaster, and probably most idiotic design that was ever made, as even if they managed to make more than two, it would get bombed to death by aviation the very moment they spotted it. Situation is even worse for (thankfully never made) rat.
AlKim: It's a hilariously impractical thing. Large areas of the deck are covered with grilles that are just begging for an artillery strike or a 250kg bomb. It also chugs petrol at the rate of about 2000l/100km (0,14 mpg for you Brits and 0,12 mpg for Americans) or about the same as four Tigers. The mere thought that the Germans ever though of wasting resources at something like that makes me facepalm. The smaller E-100 wasn't that great either.
It did make the allies spend resources on creating a counter though. The T28 Super Heavy Self-propelled Gun was designed with the Maus in mind. It never did see combat though.

langurmonkey: You sound like I should know that the Tiger I was an unstoppable killing machine but it wasn't. I also read the Tiger I broke down a lot.
AlKim: Heavy tanks in general are more unreliable than light ones because of the high stress their mechanical components have to take, and the Tiger was no exception. The Tiger's wheel design (seriously, look at it) let mud and ice to build between the wheels, potentially jamming the drivetrain. Imagine trying to access one of the rearmost wheels for service: you'd have to strip a load of wheels off three bars before you could even get to whatever it was you were doing, then stick all the removed ones back in place.
Not only that, but the Tiger had an engine that tended to break down. It was severely underpowered for such a huge vehicle. While later Tigers got some of its issues fixed, it never got its complete overhaul that it really needed.
poliander: I would say it has to do with an awesome 88 mm gun that was able to smash tanks 2 km away :). Awesome design that allowed many crews to survive direct hits and hence to contribute to superior training of German tank crews.
Or if you get your knowledge off milk cartons, then it is because of the name :).
AlKim: The Tiger was such a rare beast that I doubt it really had a significant impact on training, because otherwise the British should have had the best crews in the world due to their ridiculous infantry tanks like the Matilda II (which predated the Tiger by half a decade) and the Churchill, a vehicle so slow I almost regard it as a crawling pillbox rather than a tank. Besides, the Germans were good at drilling the shit out of their tank crews before the war started, and back then the flagship of the German armoured corps was the Panzer III.
So did not see this ... Funny you should mention that. Because the British did have very good tank crews while they were using Matildas down in Africa. They were actually doing a very decent job against the Germans down there in those tanks. Until 88's ...
You are somewhat wrong with how it did not make a difference. Yes drilling crews was one. But. With Shermans going up in flames like petroleum lamps, and Russian tanks being drilled at distances they could not respond to, the Germans in a lot of cases had the ability upon hit to leave the tank and run. Then grab another tank.
If you read some of the biographies of German tank Aces (yeah you can go all the Wittmann ), but also have a look at some other aces. It is a story of moving from one tank to another after destruction :). Something that crews from other nations can not really boast of much.
Tough question but I got to go with General MacArthur and favorite tank is the Tiger 1
In Finland we have this long time tradition of offering tank crews a free drink.


To actual topic, well given chance id like to try riding some huge Tiger / Panther at max speed while playing some Deathrash at max volume.

Favorite general, cant say i really have one. Rommel wasnt general, but ive been meaning to read about his "tanking" career at some point or other.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by iippo
As impractical as the idea is, that Landkreuzer looks like a tracked freaking Death Star, but it WOULD be a massive magnet for bombers, dive bombers, artillery strikes, etc. I don't think the flak guns would have deterred air strikes on it.
Kinda reminds me of those giant tanks from MD Geist.
Roy Urquhart is perhaps my favorite general as he was really in the thick of it during Market Garden and also Sosabowski must be mentioned, especially how he and his men got (miss)treated for their heroic actions.
General Bittrich deserves mentioning too, giving the allies 2 hours to move their wounded and giving POW's good treatment, which was sadly an execption this late in the war especially amongst SS Generals.

Favorite tank, the T-34 85 even though the King Tiger was probably the best tank, the T-34 85 was more practical and produced in signifant numbers.
LiquidOxygen80: As impractical as the idea is, that Landkreuzer looks like a tracked freaking Death Star, but it WOULD be a massive magnet for bombers, dive bombers, artillery strikes, etc. I don't think the flak guns would have deterred air strikes on it.
Kinda reminds me of those giant tanks from MD Geist.
Thats pretty much the reason we do not have those huge-ass battleships like in WW2, carriers being pretty much the sole exception.

Big, expensive targets and even excessively armor doesnt really protect from modern AT weapons.

Shame really, personally i always thought WW2 battleships were like the coolest thing ever.
Do generals and tanks from Command and Conquer count?
Cormoran: Do generals and tanks from Command and Conquer count?
If only a single C&C game were based in WW2. question about it. Old blood and guts. Especially after hearing about him slapping around cowards in the infirmary. Don't get me wrong, I would probably have been on the receiving end of his fist as well.
jjsimp: question about it. Old blood and guts. Especially after hearing about him slapping around cowards in the infirmary. Don't get me wrong, I would probably have been on the receiving end of his fist as well.
Last time I checked he sacrificed the lives of soldiers just to prove that he's better than the Brits.
F4LL0UT: Last time I checked he sacrificed the lives of soldiers just to prove that he's better than the Brits.
His nickname is Blood and Guts, how do you think he got it. If he would have waited for the Brits, people wouldn't be talking about him today. I didn't say he wasn't a controversial general. My other favorite is of course Rommel.
Brigadier General Teddy Roosevelt Jr. and the Polish 7TP.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by TVs_Frank
iippo: Shame really, personally i always thought WW2 battleships were like the coolest thing ever.
Yeap, same, especially when they fired all their guns. They look so majestic, well at least until the torpedo planes come.