Does anyone have interesting ideas we could implement there? Or should I just give up?
To properly give justice to the name, it has to somehow promote/encourage people to visit Some of this may be redundant to this, some may not (I'm fairly new to being active on GOG)
1)One idea is to have a "new release giveaway". Every week, one copy of each new GOG released game would be given out. This would promote both the fansite and refer people to go to GOG and join. To get the game, obviously, one has to be registered with
...I don't know how possible it would be, being as I'm not financially able to support the giveaway. Perhaps GOG would be willing to give 1 copy away per release, or some generous donators would. Either way, it would give more traffic to both sites.
2) Maybe there could be a special "insiders" section, where members of would be able to get the inside scoop on things... Like every week or two, one question is submitted to the GOG team, and someone answers it, connecting them "intimately" to their fanbase. There would have to be rules and regulations to the questions, of course.
Or maybe it'd be just an interview with GOG team members- what brought them to GOG, what they love about it, what game inspired them to be in the "gaming" business, fav new release, game they'd love to see on GOG but there's no released developement on getting it there, etc
3) Special merch/member items. One of my favorite bands (Demon Hunter) has a special site that you can join that gives you inside scoops on releases, first listen to new songs, video interviews, exclusive merchandise, etc. Their site is run by the band but costs money to join (cause you a welcome package w/ a shirt, stickers, patch, etc, and that's how bands make money). With that, I don't see FANGOG being able to follow in the paid format, but a watered down free variation might be worth considering.
(FYI, the exclusive Demon Hunter fansite is:
4) Advertise, advertise, advertise... Advertise GOG, that is. Be sure to have permission to direct link to GOG's promotions, sites, etc. Have banners, links, etc to things here on GOG. One of the biggest things of a fansite is to have a lot of references and ways to get to the fansite's focus (in this case, Have lots of contests, fun giveaways, etc that people would go out and post on other websites/forums. That will both build traffic on FANGOG and GOG.
5) Moderators- if there's any type of social media, ie: forums, chatroom, place for opinions, etc... be sure to moderators that control/monitor the media. This will be sure to have it positive and with the right focus. I know a previous post suggested that it's wanted to shy away from/discourage social media... though realize, a fansite's premise IS social- it's for a group to show it's love for something. If no social outlets are on there, then it will simply be an information page.
6) Game reviews- Perhaps every new release, one of the moderators/administrators of the site can do a video with their first impressions of the new game. Perhaps they love it, perhaps it would appeal to a certain group of people, etc... but always done in a positive light to try and show who it's aimed at, who would love it, and why EVERYONE SHOULD BE GOING TO GOG.COM FOR GAMES!!! :)
There are just a few ideas I had that I wanted to share. Maybe it'll spark something, or maybe it'll just make everything be "not worth the time and effort". :)