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Okay, I didn't like Fallout 3 DLC's. Granted, I dind't pay from the seperately as I got them with GOTY pack of the game, but I wouldn't have played them if I would have needed to pay money seperately of them.

So from there to question: are New Vegas DLC's any better, as the game is in sale on Steam right now.
From what Delixe told me, and believe me he is the equivalent of TheJoe for New Vegas, worth it.
tomimt: Okay, I didn't like Fallout 3 DLC's. Granted, I dind't pay from the seperately as I got them with GOTY pack of the game, but I wouldn't have played them if I would have needed to pay money seperately of them.

So from there to question: are New Vegas DLC's any better, as the game is in sale on Steam right now.
In my opinion: yes, they are better. Especially Old World Blues, which surpasses every other piece of DLC for both Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road are good, as well, though opinions on them vary greatly across the net.
In order of personal preference: Old World Blues > Dead Money > Lonesome Road > Honest Hearts. They are all good and considering you are getting 6-8 hours for 2.50 then yes you should buy them all. Everyone has a favourite so which one is better is entirely subjective.

The pre-order packs for 50c are worth it as you get a leg-up in the early game and some armors will last you till about level 12-14. Gun-Runners is more of a console expansion adding weapon mods we already had via mods however it does add a lot of new unique guns and some people do like a collection. Again for the price it's a no-brainer.

I bought all this DLC at full price and felt it was worth it.
ok, i was willing to start my own thread about this, but I see that someone has done this already.

As of my opinion about the three dlcs that are available in my region: Old world blues >>>>> Dead Money >>>>> Honest Hearts. Old World Blues is reaaaaaally worth picking up. Dead Money has a great story and Honest Hearts... nghrhrh.

As I mentioned a while ago, not all DLCs are available here in Poland. So does anyone know if someone bought me the remaining DLCs (Lonesome road and the weapon packs) would they work here?
If so... I would be interested in finding a very nice person to buy me these packs. I'd give the money back somehow or gift another game with a similar cost.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by ignus
ignus: As I mentioned a while ago, not all DLCs are available here in Poland. So does anyone know if someone bought me the remaining DLCs (Lonesome road and the weapon packs) would they work here?
Unfortunately, they wouldn't. We have to wait until the Russian distributor makes up his mind. Or Bethesda. Or Steam. They keep blaming each other for this.

EDIT: Technically, your Steam New Vegas subscription is for a different product, one that offers English, Czech, Polish and Russian as the language choices. You cannot add the DLCs for the worldwide release to this product, because it has a different sub number, and as such is considered an entirely different game by Steam.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by bazilisek
If you live in 1C region distribution, you can only look at DLCs screenshots.
ignus: As I mentioned a while ago, not all DLCs are available here in Poland. So does anyone know if someone bought me the remaining DLCs (Lonesome road and the weapon packs) would they work here?
bazilisek: Unfortunately, they wouldn't. We have to wait until the Russian distributor makes up his mind. Or Bethesda. Or Steam. They keep blaming each other for this.
I assume that a fellow Czech has the same regionally restricted version as me (Cenega). Glad I am not the only one.
Seems odd, because my friends bought retail versions of Skyrim and they can play it, even though when i search the store for Skyrim, I get the message that it's unavailable in my region... strange.

[edit]: Since the Ultimate Edition is going to be released in February, they'd better release the DLCs separately. Or I'll bomb their HQ. I remember how they failed with the release of Fallout 3 DLCs. While the retail version had both English and Polish language versions, they released the DLCs in Polish only...
Post edited November 24, 2011 by ignus
does dead money have any good exploration or items? picking up old world blues for sure, but if there's some good roaming around in cool environments i'll spring for dead money.
captfitz: does dead money have any good exploration or items? picking up old world blues for sure, but if there's some good roaming around in cool environments i'll spring for dead money.
Hm, if you want exploration, you should pick up Honest Hearts. Dead Money does feature some exploration, but ultimately, it's pretty linear, and there are a number of... limitations that prevent you from just going wherever you want.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by Nergal01
Dead Money is superb, i've rarely seen such interesting characters since Planescape torment. Can be a bit frustrating at times though.

Old World Blues has a lot of cool stuff in it and is full of crazy hilarious dialogue and stuff but the combat parts are a bit tedious.

Honest Hearts is okay i guess, not really bad but not special either.

I haven't played the latest one yet.

Coming from a person that utterly despises Fallout 3 and never touched any of it's DLC that is.
Post edited November 24, 2011 by WBGhiro
I haven't played the DLC packs yet but I've heard they are pretty good

I'll pick up the NV:GOTY edition when it releases later next year
WBGhiro: Dead Money is superb, i've rarely seen such interesting characters since Planescape torment. Can be a bit frustrating at times though.

Old World Blues has a lot of cool stuff in it and is full of crazy hilarious dialogue and stuff but the combat parts are a bit tedious.

Honest Hearts is okay i guess, not really bad but not special either.

I haven't played the latest one yet.

Coming from a person that utterly despises Fallout 3 and never touched any of it's DLC that is.
That's more or less my thought on the matter. I haven't played the latest DLC, from what I gather it's short and somewhat lackluster.

Personally, I'd have to say that dead money is far and away the best of the DLCs for FO:NV that I've played. It's a real bitch to play through if you're playing in hardcore. Better story, tough puzzles interesting rewards. Just well done in pretty much every aspect.
My favorite is still Old World Blues. Dead Money was great, but it is not "enjoyable". Honest Hearts was nice, but pretty aimless, which is the point, the meat is no in the campaign, but in the backstory, you got to work at it. Old World Blues had the most meat of all the DLCs, as well as the most interesting locales and environments, on the other hand, I may just have loved it for its mad 50's themed science theme. Lonesome Road does bring closure, but is not as good as OWB.

I've only played Old World Blues and Dead Money, but both were outstanding, given the outlay. When compared to an equivalent chunk of the full game, they're both superior.