JudasIscariot: The very fact that the console crowd gets to touch the next Fallout game sullies it for me.
They do not deserve it.EVER.
Because of the consoles, everything gets artificial limitations because the consoles are too weak to handle anything more advanced than them.
The console crowd should only get mindless shooters and JRPGs and be happy that they get that at all.
AlphaMonkey: See, that's something I just can't agree with, I'm afraid. I've encountered this kind of mentality on both sides of the fence. People who think PC players are losing out because consoles are so superior, and people who think PCs are superior. But while I never owned a console growing up (my first ever console was a PS2 and I'm 28 years old) I think there's plenty of games spread out amongst the various platforms that are nothing short of brilliant and I feel it's a shame that people feel a need to limit themselves because they think certain platforms have nothing to offer.
Sure, I grew up playing computer games and I'll probably always be a computer gamer first and foremost, but at the same time, I've played my share of console games and loved them. To say that console games are nothing but dregs left over from the PC games industry just isn't the case in my experience.
But I'm not going to convince you, I'm aware of that. And if anything, I'd argue that your point about the console industry putting a bit of a throttle on the industry can be a bit of a good thing at least as far as it affects the end consumer. I certainly can't afford to upgrade my PC every six months with the latest graphics cards and such. I can't afford to replace my motherboard, CPU and RAM every year. I've actually bought a game or two for my PS3 that I'd otherwise buy for my PC because I figured it'd look better and run better on the console than it'd run on my computer.
It is because of consoles that we now have the despicable three letter word known as "DLC"
It is because of the consoles we PC gamers have extremely buggy ports of what are supposed to be AAA titles (see Fallout 3 and, more importantly, GTA4)
It is because of consoles that developers don't care to finish their games properly and sell you the endings to those games as, you guessed it, DLC. (see the newest Prince of Persia and, yet again, Fallout 3)
Also, I have owned a variety of consoles in my time. From the lowly NES all the way to the PS2 and I have yet to find a superior game from the console side. I always went back to my PC.
Thanks to consoles, we no longer have a plethora of games with an intelligent story, characters that we can identify with and either love or hate them as the story requires. Instead we get a bloom-filled, badly optimized spectacle filled with badly written stereotypes saddled with even more atrocious dialogue.
Consoles should get games ported TO them not FROM them that way they can suffer with bad optimization, bugs, and ill-conceived control schemes.