stonebro: Trying to figure out how to do the quest in Camp McCarran where you have to catch some goings-on at the tower. I've been there at 01 am three nights in a row now, but nothing seems to happen. Tips?
Sneak into the tower. Leave your companion outside. Stay at the base of the tower, Inside the tower there's this person radioing the Fiends. For me I used a Stealthboy and stole the deactivation codes from him.
Whitecroc: I can't get enough of Big Iron. Heh.
Also, roulette is damn boring. I mean, seriously. Who the heck spends his life savings on something like that?
Aliasalpha: As is the slots. It really made me question how people can be addicted to that sort of midlessly repetitive thing thats a constant money sink with sod all real reward.
Ahh then again, WoW...
In hopes of winning the jackpot prize? But most people get greedy, once they win a little bit of money they keep playing hoping to win more until they lose everything. Or they lose right at the start and keep playing till they lose everything.
I've been to the casino in Brisbane before for tour, I played the 1-cent slot machine, hit the jackpot of 2000 credits, so I won $20 with 1 cent drop. Pretty good luck that day, pretty exhilarating too. What some people don't realise if that after u hit the prize on a particular machine, they have to switch to another machine. So I switched to another machine and won another 600 credits. $26. :P